Thx, stick to the facts, Dude.  First, since karma is unfathomable, it's 
totally impossible to separate out  in a specific way, the targets of the 
Shakti generated from the ME.  None of the papers reveal the method of why for 
example automobile deaths are selected for but not a countless number of good, 
bad, and gray area results.  Exactly who at MUM is making the selection?, and 
 Second, though one may believe that the ME Shakti is beneficial (as I do),, as 
yet there is no mechanism by which the ME can be measured objectively, due to 
the subtle nature of the "field" that can be perceived in a general way by the 
human nervous system but not by any known machine.
 Third, the Higgs particles have been brought up as a possible candidate for 
the ME "field".  There's a big difference: The Higgs particles result from 
collision by protons accelerated in the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) at Cern 
near Geneva.  Then, the Higgs particles are recorded in a purely mechanical 
device (the clouid chamber), which exposes the results of the collision; 
leaving only one inferential conclusion:  The Higgs particle (as a field), is 
real and has been proven to exist.  But both the generation and the monitoring 
of the Higgs particle take place through the agency of physical machines.

 Otoh, the ME Shakti is generated through human nervous systems, not physical 
devices, and likewise the perception leading to supposed influences such as 
automobile statistics, etc, is highly subjective and in fact impossible since 
there are countless effects continually taking place all over the world.  It's 
simply impossible, foolish, and dishones for the MUM Profs. to account for 
isolating certain effects among the candidates amounting to countless millions 
of other effects.

 I bring up the negative effects to challenge the MUM profs to show how and why 
they have selected very isolated effects (such as decreased auto deaths), among 
countless possibilities, eliminating the latter and picking what fits into 
their preconceived agenda.

 Next, the MUM ME effects are non predictive, thus not demonstrating an 
important necessary component of scientific method.  Choosing the effect after 
the experiment is contrary to science and dishonest.  Next time, they have to 
choose the effect before doing the butt bouncing.  (then repeat the experiment 
multiple times).

 The ME effect is something generated by humans.  The Higgs particles are 
created by mechanical collisions after the humans have set up the experiment.  
The Higgs particles are concluded to be real based on the resulting patterns in 
a cloud chamber.  The ME is judged to be real based on the anonymous claim of 
some guy at MUM, and he gives to reason for why he selected that particular 
effect and eliminating the other candidates.  Thus, an egregious case of 
selection bias.


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