Thanks for posting this, David335577 
 I am appreciating the exercise, it reads as concentrated transcendentalism.
 Good reflection. An ability at transformation just by Being. Where people can 
be of help
 in transformation by field-effect, that becomes 'saintly' on a scale of 


---In, <> wrote :

 The knowledge that transforms is the only knowledge truly worth having. This 
is not an intellectual knowledge, a knowledge of specific facts. We have 
received plenty of knowledge of that type, and we remain fearful, or insecure, 
or distracted, or limited by problems we can't always even remember. 

 The knowledge that transforms is the knowledge that relieves us of great 
suffering, suffering that had always seemed inevitable, or a specific problem 
that was so subtle and yet so common, a problem that seemed to have no 

 The knowledge that transforms is the knowledge that comes from within 
ourselves, not from a book or a speech. It is not simply an insight, but a 
transformation of who we are from a name, a past, and a conditioning to a 
lively and spontaneous person, one who is strong, free of problems, and free to 
dive into the challenges of life. 

 The solution to our problems is not something we have learned, but the 
practice of transcending the surface level of life and discovering something 
much deeper, something nameless, formless, and not bound by words or any other 

 By repeatedly transcending we gain the deep rest, different in nature from 
sleeping or dreaming, that transforms our lives from problems, limitations, and 
suffering to freedom. It is like being focused for years on the clouds in the 
sky, clouds that seem to gather and darken with the very involvement we have in 
them. Transcending these clouds means being more concerned with the formless 
blue sky. The sky does not change, like the clouds do. When our attention is 
naturally on our Self, which is universal, unlimited, and unchanging, our 
concerns naturally rise above the problems and limitations. Our daily life is 
finally anchored to something real and unchanging--our inner Self, which simply 
exists--instead of being tossed by thoughts and fears that seem beyond our 

 Control over our life comes when we relinquish the control that consists of 
effort, and which we have learned or has come about by our traumas and 
conditioning. Life already takes care of everything without effort, but we 
don't or can't see this clearly. Instead, distraction and worry, caused by 
stresses in the nervous system, hide what life actually is. The true nature of 
life is that everything is the experience of the abstract fullness of our Self. 
When we can finally see past the clouds of our conditioning, we enjoy the blue 
sky of the Self, which is the nature of reality 

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