Here’s what I wrote about radiance:
TMers emanate a type of radiance during group meditations. Maharishi and the TM 
movement have had several publicity campaigns extolling possible benefits to 
society from radiance.

There are many instances besides meditation when a kind of energy is 
transferred from person to person. For example, the electricity-like atmosphere 
at concerts, plays, and sporting events is an amazing, worthwhile life 

Another possibility of energy transference might occur when seeing someone else 
yawn, or when riding in a car with someone who takes a nap. 

In 1973, I first noticed that meditations seemed deeper when meditating with 
others on my Science of Creative Intelligence course. There is a radiance 
effect coming off a meditator that does affect other meditators in the 
vicinity. I noticed a radiance effect also when learning the TM-Sidhi on 
levitation in that I was more likely to hop when someone close to me was also 

During the years that I was ungrounded, I seemed to sense a deeper quality of 
silence when entering the city of Fairfield, Iowa. Although the placebo effect 
could be at play, I think that an ungrounded person is more likely to sense the 
deeper silence in Fairfield than someone who is grounded.

The TM organization came up with what seems to be fanciful mathematics to 
predict the radiance effect of the TM-Sidhis program. They stated that when the 
square root of 1% of a population practices the TM-Sidhis program as a group, 
there will be an immediate reduction of hostility and violence in the 
population. These kinds of unbelievable claims eventually made it easy for me 
to walk away from the TM movement.

I do think there is a super-radiance effect from large groups practicing the TM 
and TM-Sidhi program, but I suspect it has a mixture of healthy and unhealthy 
effects. The unhealthy effect of TM super-radiance is probably greater on 
people who are ungrounded. I suspect that the effect on the population as a 
whole would be negligible, but there might be a means of small benefit through 

More on my musings at 

From: Archer Angel [FairfieldLife] 
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 2:59 PM
To: Archer Angel [FairfieldLife] 
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: In Statistical Truth, The Call to Spiritual 
Order,Rally Now to Meditation!


I was wondering just what kind of research might show up under "group effects 
of meditation."

group effects of meditation - Google Scholar

                 group effects of meditation - Google Scholar

This search on Google does not search for only results from TM.

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