Gawd dang it, Farming.  My wife spent a good $25 on this rain yagya they 
adverized and the storms literally split around FF going well to the north of 
VC and well south of town.  Not even a tenth of an inch. North county gets 
pounded and the south line. Dramatic sky and can even smell rain but not much 
at all in between.  

 I put up hay yesterday  and normally where I would have got 500 small square 
bales I got less than a hundred. Legumes produced but the grasses are dormant.  
Corn and bean look really bad.  Hauling water to wind break trees.  Where 
summer pastures should provide the neighbors and we are feeding livestock hay 
at a time we never have.

 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Outstanding in Fields

---In, <> wrote :

 Begin forwarded message:

 From: John Hagelin <>

 Subject: Rain Yagya for Fairfield

 Date: July 31, 2017 at 4:05:53 AM CDT


 Reply-To: John Hagelin 

 Yagya for Rain in Fairfield,
Maharishi Vedic City, and Jefferson County
 Dear Friends,
 As you can see, Fairfield and the surrounding areas are in a drought. June and 
July are normally two of our rainiest months, yet this year, we have only had a 
few brief showers. If this continues, our beautiful trees and shrubs will 
suffer permanent damage.
 This is somewhat of an anomaly. Many other parts of Iowa, and the nation as a 
whole, are having plenty of rain—in many cases, too much rain.
 To address this local need for rain, we will be having a Yagya to break the 
drought in our local area.
 Recall that during the major drought of 2012, a National YagyaSM performance 
was done to bring rain where needed. It ended the drought throughout the 
Central U.S. and other parts of the country. 
 It’s a tall order to repeat that success, and there is no guarantee that a 
single Yagya will alleviate these extreme conditions. But if we don’t step up, 
who will?
 We ask that everyone in our meditator community join in. While large donations 
are certainly needed, even those of modest means can support this Yagya with 
your intention and a donation of any amount.
 Please share this email with your friends in the area who may not have 
received it.
 This 11-day Yagya for nourishing rain will start on the evening of August 10.
 The Sankalpa (intention) of the Yagya will be:
 Bringing abundant rain to Fairfield,
Maharishi Vedic City, and Jefferson County, Iowa.
Ending the drought.
 Sunday, August 6, is the final day to sign up.
 Please click now*
 to offer your support.
 If you make a gift of $1,250 or more, you, someone you designate, or your 
company will be named on each day of the Vedic performance.
 May abundant good fortune smile on America, and may Maharishi’s great legacy 
of peace and enlightenment permanently bless the human race.
 Jai Guru Dev
 John Hagelin
National Director
Transcendental Meditation® Program
 P.S. We also encourage everyone to play the Gandharva Veda Rain Raga, 
continuously, if possible. We have seen wonderful results wherever this has 
been done on a sufficient scale.
 Here are three good sources:
 1. MUM radio station, KHOE 95.4 FM, will be broadcasting the Rain Raga 
continuously from midnight until 6 am, and four times a day during their 
regular broadcasting times.
 2. On the web:*&_od=aHR0cHM6Ly9mb3Jtcy5uZXRzdWl0ZS5jb20*.
 3. The Maharishi Veda App:*&_od=aHR0cHM6Ly9mb3Jtcy5uZXRzdWl0ZS5jb20*.
 Feel free to contact Stan Crowe, the Director of our U.S. National Yagya 
 © 2017 Maharishi Foundation USA, a non-profit educational organization. All 
rights reserved.
Transcendental Meditation®, TM®, and National Yagya are protected trademarks
and are used in the U.S. under license or with permission.
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 or reply to this email with 'unsubscribe' in the subject to unsubscribe from 
this list or if you feel you have received this message in error.
This message was sent from Maharishi Foundation USA, Inc. P.O. Box 670 
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