JULY 31, 2017

Points regarding the Solar Eclipse on August 21

We have received several emails asking about recommendations from the Maharishi 
JyotishSMCouncil for appropriate activities during the upcoming solar eclipse 
on August 21.

Recommendations from the Maharishi Jyotish Council
1. It’s recommended to not begin important projects or special events on this 
day, as Nature will not be as supportive. The most life-supporting activities 
recommended during an eclipse are those which bring the attention inward. 

2. It’s better to stay inside during the time that the eclipse is visible where 
you are. You can find out when that is by visiting www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/ 
 and entering your city and state. In Fairfield, it is from 11:45 am to 2:37 pm.

3. According to the knowledge of Maharishi Jyotish, the planet Surya (Sun) is 
cosmically connected to digestive fire and Chandra (Moon) to the assimilation 
of food. So it is recommended to not take food during the approximately 3-hour 
period from start to finish of the solar eclipse.

Thank you to the Heaths, Frieders, and Isquiths in the USA Maharishi Jyotish 
Offices for all of their guidance.

With best wishes,

Jai Guru Dev
  • [FairfieldLife] Maharishi ... Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]

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