If it's true that DJT didn't actually want to become POTUS, then it seems
 like prayatna-shaithilya,  (relaxation of effort), sort of,  "betrayed" him:

 Sutra II.47


  prayatna-śaithilya-ananta-samāpatti-bhyām ॥47॥
 [HA]: By Relaxation Of Effort And Meditation On The Infinite (Asanas Are 
 [IT]: By relaxation of effort and meditation of the ‘ Endless ‘ (posture is 
 [VH]: [BM]: [SS]: By lessening the natural tendency for restlessness and by 
meditating on the infinite, posture is mastered.
 [SP]: Posture becomes firm and relaxed through control of the natural 
tendencies of the body, and through meditation on the infinite.
 [SV]: By slight effort and meditating on the unlimited (posture becomes firm 
and pleasant).
  zaithilya  n. looseness , laxity Hariv. R. &c. ; flaccidity Sus3r. ; decrease 
, diminution , smallness , weskness , relaxation , remission , depression (of 
the mind) , unsteadiness , vacancy (of gaze) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; negligence in 
(comp.) Campak. ; relaxation of rule or connection W. ; dilatoriness , 
inattention MW.

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