No, it's not feasible and practical to do so.  At the present time, we don't 
have the technology to travel to other star systems.  We could probably 
colonize Mars, and travel the other moons of Saturn and Neptune.

 But logic is telling us that discovering the other spatial dimensions may not 
be feasible for space travel.  Michio Kaku is telling us that science is 
limited to using 11 spatial dimensions because any dimensions above the 11th is 
not stable and impractical.

 However, we can make an argument that the various levels of consciousness in 
the TM literature is equivalent to the 11 spatial dimensions.  In theory, those 
who reach the highest level of consciousness would be equivalent to the ancient 
rishis mentioned the vedic texts.  And they were able to travel anywhere in the 

 Srila Prabhupada made some adjustment to his original opinion about this 
matter.  He once stated that it was impossible to travel to the Moon--hence he 
made some comments stating that the NASA landing on the Moon was a hoax.  In 
his later video recordings he clarified his statements that humans can pray to 
Krisna to live  in any  any planets in the universe. through transmigration.  
In other words, anyone on Earth can live there provided that they are born to 
any of the female species in those planets.  This comment shows that the other 
planets in the universe may be too harsh for human being to live in.

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