BBC -- Heart and Soul

Holy Hobos: The Everyday Life of India's Sadhus
Heart and Soul


 Presenter Mark Tully travels for Heart and Soul to the religious towns of 
Vrindavan and Haridwar on the river Ganges and into the foothills of the 
Himalayas to meet unusual Hindu holy men and women. He finds out from these 
sadhus and sadhvis what their everyday life is like. He meets a saint who tends 
4000 cows, and in the jungle he hears from a woman priest who has adopted stray 
dogs that she has rescued from leopards. Other sadhus undertake seva or service 
which is more akin to social work: one runs an orphanage and another listens to 
the problems of villagers and settles disputes.

 Although they avow the traditional austerity, self discipline, and detachment 
of a sadhu, the lifestyle some of them sounds relaxing – one interviewee 
describes himself as a Holy Hobo. Could they perhaps be regarded as selfish 
even irresponsible? Cutting themselves off from all family ties, and depending 
on others for food and shelter, they perform solitary spiritual practices in 
pursuit of their own moksha, their liberation from the cycle of birth, death 
and rebirth.

But one interviewee Rome Baba firmly rebutted that charge saying “We meditate 
for the entire world. We do everything for the world and for ourselves, 
nothing.” That it seems IS the ultimate aim of a sadhu or sadhavi’s life – to 
do nothing for yourself, to achieve such a radical personal transformation 
that, as Swami Tatva Vidananda said so eloquently, "The self is gone, the 
personality is burnt."

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