Answering part of your posed criticism about the superradiance effect of 
meditators, while the Domes are fabulous places for meditating but there has 
not been many times of super radiant numbers meditating together for decades. 
 From the late 1980’s and through the 1990’s and ‘00’s the Morris-Patterson era 
administration of the movement with Maharishi fragmented the super radiant 
effect of the group, dividing granting socioeconomic specialness and separating 
people by fealty from the larger group administratively. 

 The metrics for the American movement were in the tank whence the American 
assembly was initiated in the summer of 2006. For some months then meditators 
came from all over to the group meditation in Fairfield coming from Western 
Europe, Canada, the UK, Asia, Israel and from what was left of the US movement 
then. That was super radiant then for a while, 10 years ago. So it is not 
acceptable to assert that the proliferation of hog confinements now is some 
failure of the group practice. It is a better example of the failure of the 
administration facilitating the meditation.

 However Fairfield is still okay for now, as much as the Hog industrialists 
would love to get back at Fairfielders by crossing it up with confinements. 



---In, <> wrote :

 Why You Don’t Want More CAFOs in Jefferson County

 1. Property Values Plummet Near CAFOs

 Property values of residences drop up to 40 percent near factory farms. 
(Colorado State University study of Iowa properties).

 2. People Living Near CAFOs Experience Health Problems

 Neighbors living within two miles of a CAFO (confined animal feeding 
operation, or factory farm) have experienced wheezing, chest tightness, 
shortness of breath, excessive coughing, nausea, diarrhea, sore throat, eye 
irritation, headache, runny nose and weakness. (Numerous University of North 
Carolina studies)
 Children who attend schools near CAFOs suffer higher incidences of asthma. 
(Study in Pediatrics journal)
 Neighbors living near a hog confinement experienced more depression, tension, 
anger, fatigue, and confusion and less vigor. (North Carolina study)
 Factory farms emit over 200 gases and particulates. Here are just a few that 
you will breathe in: ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, particulates such as fecal 
matter and skin cells, volatile organic compounds, methane, and viruses. A 2002 
report by Iowa State University and the University of Iowa determined that 
hydrogen sulfide and ammonia emissions from CAFOs are a health risk for humans.
 Antibiotic-resistant bacteria (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, 
known as MRSA), is found in Iowa hogs and CAFO workers. (University of Iowa 
study) MRSA is difficult to treat, can be fatal in people with weakened immune 
systems, and is becoming more common because of the heavy use of antibiotics on 
factory farms.
 3. CAFOs Stink

 Confined hogs generate three times the amount of raw waste as humans. (EPA). 
The liquid manure goes into concrete pits below the confinement where it sits 
and putrefies for 6-12 months. Huge fans blow the poisonous air out of the 
confinements, and residents breathe it in. If you live within 3-4 miles of a 
CAFO, your air is going to stink. If you live near a field where manure will be 
applied, it will stink there, too. Breathing in this air can make you sick.

 4. Your Quality of Life Will Diminish

 People who live near factory farms report that they don’t enjoy their homes 
any longer. Some experiences people report include:

 No longer opening windows to get fresh air into their homes. (There is no 
fresh air anymore.)
 Living in basements to get away from the smell that seeps through closed 
 Coping with overwhelming fly infestations. Flies may also contribute to the 
spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
 Ending all outdoor entertaining with family and friends.
 5. Your Community Will Deteriorate

 Increased traffic from tractor-trailer feed trucks breaks down community 
roads, and local tax money pays for repairs. Fuel taxes don’t come close to 
covering costs. Taxes often rise, and local community services get reduced to 
keep up with maintenance. It’s common to see businesses close and people move 
out when factory farms move in.

 6. The Environment Suffers

 Iowa has some of the worst waterways in the nation. Over 800 manure spills 
have occurred in the last 10 years. Fish kills are common. Children can’t play 
in streams without concerns of exposure to E. coli or other bacteria.

 JFAN works to keep CAFOs out of Jefferson County, safeguarding your health, 
property values, quality of life, and the environment.

 Jefferson County Farmers & Neighbors, Inc

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