" The problem will start in Feb/March 2019 when Ketu enters Sagittarius sign, 
and collides with transit Saturn for 9 months. At the same time Rahu enters 
Gemini sign. During this time transit Saturn will be in last 10 degrees in 
Sagittarius sign, and aspects the natal position of Jupiter in Virgo sign in 
Trump’s astrology chart very powerfully by its 10th aspect. President Trump and 
the GOP party will be at loggerheads after June 2019 over some policy issues. 
During this time the country will be in recession. Since we are living in a 
global economy, so we will be dealing with a global recession, which will 
continue even into 2020. The unemployment numbers will be high. Americans will 
be angry. Donald Trump will feel isolated. Donald Trump will have very little 
public support after June 2019, when impeachment will finally be proposed.
 There is a possibility of global war during this time.
 This will be the time when President Trump may take U.S. to next war. Our 
national debt may even grow bigger, if our political leaders fail to control 
spending during this time. This could be the time when Trump’s tax returns may 
finally be leaked. Donald Trump will have cash flow problems in his personal 
businesses as well during this time. 2019 is certainly a difficult year for 
President Trump’s health also, as 6th house lord Saturn’s Bhukti is on in 
Jupiter mahadasha. These will be dangerous times after June 2019, when 
President Trump will find it difficult to complete his first Term. Things will 
get worse in 2019, and the voters will penalize the Republican party in 2020 
Presidential Election. President Trump will either face impeachment or resign 
between June 2019 and April 2020.  


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