Does he speak English? Any scandal associated with him?

Rick Archer
Buddha at the Gas Pump

From: <> On Behalf 
Of netineti108
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 4:43 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: JBP: why are there so few enlightened people?

There is no greater Saint walking the planet at this time than His Holiness Sri 
Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji.
He is the living Avatara of Lord Dattatreya, the Adiguru.
He is available.
Jai Guru Datta

Datta Stavam

Dattātrēyaṁ mahātmānaṁ varadaṁ bhakta vatsalam

prapannārti haraṁ vandē smartṛgāmī sanōvatu…         1

I adore Lord Dattātreya, a Mahātman, who confers boons and protects the 

who immediately removes afflictions from those who remember Him with faith.

dīnabandhuṁ kṛpāsindhuṁ sarvakāraṇa kāraṇam

sarvarakṣā karaṁ vandē smartr̥gāmī sanōvatu.. 2

                                                            I adore Lord 
Dattātreya, who is a friend of the poor, a sea of compassion,

                                                            the cause of all 
causes and the protector of all those who remember Him sincerely.

śaraṇāgata dīnārta paritrāṇa parāyaṇam

Nārāyaṇaṁ vibhuṁ vandē smartṛgāmī sanōvatu..         3

                                                            I adore Lord 
Dattātreya, who is a shelter for the poor and afflicted and grants

immediately to those having firm devotion in Him and remember Him sincerely.

sarvānartha haraṁ dēvaṁ sarvamaṅgaḷa maṅgaḷam

sarvaklēśa haraṁ vandē smartr̥gāmī sanōvatu.. 4

                                                            I adore Lord 
Dattātreya, who is the destroyer of all useless and harmful things and the 
giver of all auspicious                                                   
objects, the remover of all afflictions of those who remember Him sincerely.

brahmaṇyaṁ dharmatatvajñaṁ bhakta kīrti vivardhanam

bhaktābhīṣṭa pradaṁ vandē smartṛgāmī sanōvatu..       5

                                                            I adore Lord 
Dattātreya, who is well-versed in the Vedas, a knower of the essences of 

                                                            who increases the 
fame of His devotees and who is the giver of whatever

    is needed to the devotees who remember Him sincerely.

śōṣaṇaṁ pāpa paṅkasya dīpanaṁ jñāna tējasaḥ

tāpapraśamanaṁ vandē smartṛgāmī sanōvatu.. 6

                                                            I adore Lord 
Dattātreya, who removes the quagmire of sins, lights up the flame of wisdom,

                                                            calms down distress 
and torment of those who remember Him sincerely.

sarvarōga praśamanaṁ sarvapīḍā nivāraṇam

vipaduddharaṇaṁ vandē smartṛgāmī sanōvatu..           7

                                                            I adore Lord 
Dattātreya, who cures all diseases, heals all pain and

all calamities of those who remember HIm sincerely.

janmasamsāra bandhaghnaṁ svarūpānanda dāyakam

niśrēyasa padaṁ vandē smartṛgāmī sanōvatu.. 8

                                                            I adore Lord 
Dattātreya, who is the most excellent and liberates from the cycle of birth and 
death in this world                                                           
and who is the giver of bliss to those who remember Him sincerely.

janmasamsāra bandhaghnaṁ svarūpānanda dāyakam

niśrēyasa padaṁ vandē smartṛgāmī sanōvatu.. 8

                                                            Those who recite 
this eulogy of Lord Dattātreya regularly and with faith,

                                                            become wise and 
attain victory, fame, fulfillment of all worldly desires

achievements and finally get liberation from the bondage of life.

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