the Global Carbon Project (GCP), says that this year's "strong" rise is 
projected to be 2.7%.
 That's much bigger than 2017's 1.6%.
 ..main factor in the near 3% rise has been coal use in China,
 a booming global market for cars has helped drive CO2 emissions to an all-time 




 ---In, <> wrote :

 Do Something?  
 “..Just stop 'doing', meditate.  Doing ‘nothing’, today that makes us 
nervous.. (though) it was not long ago that this was what everybody did. Maybe 
we should try that. ..Stop doing, meditate." 
 ..“Do ‘everything”, that is human nature. We are too clever by halves.” 

 Conservation Biologist vs. Geo-engineer: 
 A Conversation with Guy McPherson, Paul Beckwith, and Martin Halliwell:

 . .
 Hope’s Dissertation.. 

 Herculean Hope:
 Paul Beckwith:  “..People ask, in face of doom and gloom of this time do you 
have hope? How do you maintain hope and keep from getting in to despair, or 
just basically shutting off ? Answer: Having hope for action is a mug’s game ( 
A mug is a fool, one easily duped.) when the challenge for change has not been 
met, even for years. If you have hope and your hopes are continually dashed it 
is very hard on your psyche or to maintain a balance to function and so on, do 
I have hope? I have always been hopeful but it is the wrong question. I may not 
have a lot of hope but it is not a hopeless situation, it is ‘not all or 
nothing’. There is lots of things we can do as individuals to try to get change 
from the power structures, from governments, from politicians, leaders, from 
people. Everything seems going the wrong way right now though there are 
glimmers, of that word, hope. Have hope or hopeless? The better way to think 
about it is having passion, you try to make a difference in your life. Do what 
you can to use the skills that you have to try to get change. A lot of people 
can feel guilty or try to make you feel guilty, that misses the point; it is 
not your fault. We can always try to effect change. Things are bad and 
spiralling continuing, going in the wrong direction, one thing is in the three 
legged bar stool (analogy).. See the Emergency, step one is agree there is an 
emergency, then two,what do we do(?) and then (3) change (action).” (.. 
transcription edited for clarity)

 -Herculean Climate Rant to Rouse Humanity

 Fairfield Focus Group:
 Global Climate Change and the Consciousness Community 

 The Climate Change Lecture, 

 Lecture transcription:  
 "We are right now in the position where what some of these scientists are 
talking about is on the edge of unfolding. Most scientists say this is 
irreversible and there is nothing we can do about it, and some go so far as to 
say that if there is a tree with a leaf left on the planet in six years then 
they will be amazed. This is how dire the assessment is. The assessment 
actually leads them to that deduction."



 "In sharing this with people some people leave the lecture something like 
zombies, some start crying, some uncontrollably. So, it is not for the light of 
heart.  Although the scientists, most of them say this irreversible, there is 
nothing we can do about it.

 But instead of going there first with the climate science, I would like to 
empower you first because I believe that our community with its deep 
consciousness roots and its knowledge about the importance of collective 
consciousness has the ability to do something profound about this, more than 
any other community with the exception of other little groups of people who 
have learned to use transcendence as a means of developing their own 
consciousness. And, there are plenty of those around the world. Not trying to 
minimize them but thinking in our awareness this is the largest community that 
exists on the planet.

 A conveyance here is that Maharishi left us with some bread crumbs through 
time. He worked with many many people and as many of us know he worked around 
the clock. Nobody got to know everything he was doing but lots of people got 
very intimate with him on certain projects. In sharing this information on 
climate change with people on Mother Divine, Purusha programs or maybe a 
special project on Vastu housing or some other project he was working on, they 
all heard him say something about this transition coming up. What he said most 
of all was that the severity and length of time that it will take to go through 
this transition, from ‘object referral’ to ‘heaven on earth’ would depend on 
what the meditating groups did that were left on the planet. He also said that 
less than 20 percent of the people that were alive when the transition started 
would be alive at the end. 

 That is pretty grim. But, he also told people on the Mother Divine program 
that what was going to happen was going to be so challenging and horrific that 
he did not want to even put his attention on it and would not discuss it at 

 We have discovered pieces and wish to share these with the community, the 
little nuggets of information that Maharishi has talked about will surface and 
come together in maybe a set of instructions, last minute things that he 
planted in the group and see if we can work together as a team 

 Maharishi planted the seed that we can make a difference, that we always have 
consciousness as the most powerful tool, and the more of us that come together 
and meditate in to that silence the more powerful this tool is. That is the 
message to leave you with ..
 (that we were left with. ) The rest you will find in your heart and you will 
also find Maharishi’s message, we have the ability individually, individual by 
individual, and as a collective to do what no scientist on earth believes is 
possible. Jai Guru Dev


 Lecture postscripts,
 Meditating In Numbers in Proximity  

 "The thing that we can bring in to the mix is our silent value in 
transcending. During the IAmerican Assembly MMY said that when things get 
really bad on the planet Brahma awakens. Where does Brahm awaken? Brahm does 
not awaken in Brahma heaven somewhere, Brahm awakens in the people on earth in 
our own consciousness we are Brahma that has to awaken. And Brahma awakens and 
that awaken-ness in us comes forth and evolves our consciousness until we 
overturn the destructive force in nature intentionally.  Maharishi talked about 
'we', the individuals that we think we are, are really one Brahmin connection. 
We have to awaken to the fact that our other aspects of consciousness are 
destroying all the other unique and beautiful aspects of Brahma. When we 
destroy complex life on this planet there will be nothing but bacteria left. Do 
we leave that inheritance for the rest of eternity?" 

 Meditating In Numbers in Proximity  
 "We have the ability to raise humankind to its heavenly divinity to command 
the laws of nature.  We need this pressure. This is not something by mistake. 
This is something that is happening naturally that brings us to the point where 
we will take ownership and become brahm in Devine and take charge of nature in 
life. That is what we are doing in graduating from heaven. Wake up to it. Come 
and take your power because we have just years left to make that transition and 
we make it better when we are in groups because there is a collectivity 

 People individually talk themselves out of it. But when this is shown to 
groups of ten or more everyone gets it. They leave with the knowledge of ‘wow. 
I could be instrumental’,  I am going to graduate in Nature. In life I have 
been in heaven training and now it is time to get to ownership and get to the 
point of doing something about it. This is a very very special time. It is the 
end of the illusion of separation from Nature. That is all we are trying to 
show you. This is a glorious event, nothing to be fearful about. But those 
aspects of consciousness not prepared to wake up will not be around for very 
long. Let us not be some of them. 

 Our hearts lead us on the path to be in the graduating class in Nature. That 
is how we got here."

 -Ryan and Stan

 Patterns of Arctic Sea-Ice Loss: Melt versus Export

 Jai Guru Dev.

---In, <> wrote :

 In Consciousness Community:

 To paraphrase, borrowing from..
 -Lyman Beecher "This now is the beginning of the great promises and mandates 
upon Iowa as a state. 

 If this nation is, in the providence of the Unified Field, destined to lead 
the way in moral and political emancipation of the world; it is time she 
understood her high calling, and was harnessed for the work. First one had to 
recognize that it is equally plain that the spiritual and political destiny of 
our nation is to be decided in the West and hinges on Iowa.  
 There is the territory, and there will soon be the meditating population, the 
wealth, and the political power. Whatever we do, it must be done quickly; for 
there is a tide in human things which waits not -- moments on which the destiny 
of a nation balances, when the light dust may turn the right way or the wrong. 
And such is the condition of our nation now. Mighty influences are bearing on 
us and a slight effort now may secure what ages of repentance cannot remove 
away. We must reveal the Kingdom, the Unified Field in large Nature to the 
whole nation while we may. All who are alive must be enlightened, and reached 
by the restraining and preserving energies of heaven.”  -Lyman Beecher 

 This is the beginning of the great promises and mandates upon Iowa as a state. 
 Jai Guru Dev




 "In welcoming the saints and Mahatmas, Maharishi said that the world today 
needed the intercession of the saints who are established n themselves and are 
therefore, nearer to the almighty power. The situation of the world now 
demanded of the people a powerful invocation of the grace of gods to fill the 
atmosphere with peace and purity. This, he said, can be effectively done by 
those who by long practice of meditation and various spiritual disciplines, had 
gained the privilege of being nearer to the seat of divine power and mercy. The 
saints of Uttarakhand therefore were in duty-bound to intercede on behalf of 
the people and invoke the grace of gods to alleviate human suffering."


 "..After Maharishi had stressed the importance and purpose of the assembly of 
the Saints and Mahatmas..
 Then the party entered the 84 caves of Shakaracharya Nagar, where collective 
meditation was held for one hour. So soon as everyone had taken their seats in 
the caves, the meditation started with a recitation of Vedic hymns, and as 
everyone sank deep within, nature herself was absorbed in silence. There was 
utter stillness for one solid hour, at the end of which, the meditation was 
broken by a recitation of vedic slokas. The saints who are accustomed to long 
meditation felt the powerful intensity of today's collective meditation. It was 
decided to continue collective meditation regularly every Sunday until 
atmospheric tension abates."




 "All we can do is as individuals within a tribe (a group meditation). Let us 
act like the tribe matters. Act as if your own lives matter and treat ourselves 
and treat others with respect. At the edge of extinction only love remains."  

 One would hope that science, if not experience, could guide policy even in the 
TM movement. The science says that the Meissner-like Effect (the ME) from 
meditation is concentrated by attendance of numbers in proximity meditating in 
 email response to the lecture..  

 "The fact that the change is upon us is really important, and should be the 
headline of every media publication."


  skymtsea asks:  What was said?  A: The meeting was of about 20 people in 
someone’s home the other night. It is part of a series of these small group 
meetings in Fairfield, Iowa. This particular one was hosted for a circle of 
intuitive healers in Fairfield. I also had heard the presentation a few Sundays 
ago in Fairfield after a meeting of the meditating Quakers. It has been given 
to other groups now.  It is a substantial presentation.
 The lecture and media presentation is prepared and given by two academic 
scientists who have taken time studying in more detail the climate change 
research science and also who are well aware of the science on meditation. At 
the outset research on meditation practiced individually or in groups is a 
given known, {where two or more are gathered..} that numbers meditating who are 
in proximity to one another as a group can in a Meissner-like super-radiance 
effect influence other people in positive ways from a distance. That is now a 
known and given.  This presentation however as a synthesis was an overview of 
the current climate science and then how people can respond to rapid climate 
change given the practice of meditation. Evidently as presented this was a very 
tight thesis and sobering. 
 I will post some of what I have transcribed of the lecture and discussion 
parts.. The larger presentation was nearly 2 hours having powerpoint slides and 
video clips related to climate change science. 


 Bhairitu asks:
 And who is going to pay this tax?  The middle class? They're tapped out as it 
is.  Vegan diets will make many people anemic. It's an nutritionally ignorant 
idea.  We each have individual nutritional needs. That's what ayurveda is all 
 Answer: An aggressive carbon tax can be revenue neutral -- the revenue raised 
being used to lower other. taxes. 

 To solve the problem you needed to start several decades ago.  And what would 
you have done? 

 Skymtsea answers:

 20 years ago we should have implemented a revenue-neutral, substantive, 
annually increasing carbon (GHG) tax which would have given strong incentives 
for reducing GHG emissions. Set at proper levels, that could have mitigated 
much of the dire climate problems we are now facing.

 Since that was not done, now we need stronger action. I think GHG/carbon tax 
is the most effective primary policy. However, now both the initial level, and 
ramp rate, will have to be much higher than if set 20 years ago. And a 
significant portion of the revenue will now have to be spent on accelerated 
R&D, aggressive incentives for zero carbon technology adaptation, massive 
infrastructure changes to accommodate current and emerging climate change, and 
addressing equity issues stemming from climate disruption. And there will need 
to be strong mandates to complement the above with specific deadlines for 100% 
renewable/non GHG power systems (like California just did, but with nearer 
term, and more universal timetables), 100% electrification of the transport 
system, transformation of agriculture, etc. And strong social campaigns towards 
low carbon lifestyles, including vegan diets.   (And stadiums full of group 
meditations :)) 

 If governments don't act decisively by 2035 to fight climate change, humanity 
could cross a point of no return after which limiting global warming below 2°C 
in 2100 will be unlikely, according to a new study. The research also shows the 
deadline to limit warming to 1.5°C has already passed, unless radical climate 
action is taken.
B: The problem is that you would need to implement a very authoritarian 
government to mandate changes.  That won't go over well with the public (just 
look at their current attitude towards climate disruption) nor even more with 
the business sector.  It's like the human race has it's own pre-programmed 
means for self-destruction or extinction.

To solve the problem you needed to start several decades ago.  And what would 
you have done?  Reign in population expansion (the root of the problem) by mass 
sterilization (a popular sci-fi theme)?

 'Archived' heat has reached deep into the Arctic interior, researchers say

 Arctic sea ice isn't just threatened by the melting of ice around its edges, a 
new study has found: Warmer water that originated hundreds of miles away has 
penetrated deep into the interior of the Arctic.

 Without dramatic reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions, most of the planet's 
land-based ecosystems -- from its forests and grasslands to the deserts and 
tundra -- are at high risk of 'major transformation' due to climate change.

 Recent Release of Climate Assessment by California

 Ice melt, heat domes, jet streams and 'Arctic Monsoons'..  in, where he shows 
with satellite imagery how incredibly fast the arctic ice melted away this July 
to only one meter of depth or less! v=fdtK2oH4M0c


 ..temperature is a big influence, warming will also alter rainfall, weather, 
soil chemistry and sea levels. thing is pretty sure: more 

 ..found from the paleo-record was evidence that ecosystems changed radically 
as temperatures rose."..the impacts as "staggering."

 ..going from frigid to warm; now it's moving from warm to warmer. A warming 
world could eventually make some of our most familiar ecosystems — deciduous 
forests, grasslands, Arctic tundra — unrecognizable.

 "That's going to create a great deal of chaos, ecological chaos out there.. 
"The breadth of animals and plants affected by these heat wave conditions 
suggest our ecosystems are more vulnerable than we think to the projected 
increases in heat wave frequency, intensity and duration we are facing in the 
future," she says.



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