The ChangeMaker satsang: 

 ChangeMaker presentations, 

 global webcast follow-up..


 video re-broadcast 

 "Neuropsychologist Bill Stixrud spoke of the importance of getting students 
into their “right mind” — a mind cultured by practice of Transcendental 
Meditation. Renowned heart transplant specialist Dr. Hassan Tetteh described 
how TM practice is taking a transformational role at the National Defense 
University, where our country’s elite officers are trained. Our own resident 
neuroscientist, Fred Travis, revealed the inner workings of a meditating mind 
with a live EEG demonstration. A panel of our own MUM students displayed our 
precious knowledge by their very presence. David Lynch, as always, delighted 
with wit and wisdom in a closing Q&A. Everything came together into a very 
powerful experience.
 We’re grateful to Jeffrey Abramson, Chair of our Board of Trustees, for his 
vision and generous support for this ChangeMakers series, and to the David 
Lynch Foundation, for partnering with us to make this series a reality.
 Please take a look at this powerful video,
 ---In, <> wrote :

 The ChangeMaker satsang; really well put together ChangeMaker evening on 
campus. Good sequence of panels and action points in the end. Too sorry that 
more of the old meditators from town did not hear it.  
 David Lynch at the end leveling and cutting on the spiritual line was a lot 
like Charlie Lutes in the old SRM day. Matter of spiritual fact. People sat up. 
Transcending is where it is at. Jai Guru Dev.


 Fairfield, Iowa the number one Top City for Meditation.
 30 Top Cities and Towns for Meditation in America
 An article:


 There is a larger community in spiritually activated peoples out in Fairfield, 
Iowa also that is unseen under this seemingly bigger BATGAP Fairfield, Iowa 
exposure. Everyday Fairfield hosts a lot of deeper spiritual life and practice 

 In Conversation.. 

“A cohesion in the community in meditating Fairfield, Iowa is that people 
understand the essential premise of “the second element” in this, that the 
Transcendent is the real deal. They get it. We were taught well. This actually 
is a really great sign of health in the community,  Because if we were all kept 
trotting along behind the TM banner the way that it was taught then that would 
be the cult.”   - ..from the spiritual Fairfield satsang.


 ---In, <> wrote :

 There is a place of need in the Fairfield story for some of us to speak to our 
group’s larger spirituality as a unique cohesion in the universality of deeper 
transcendentalism that is cross-cultural. That we do have here a 45 year built 
up spiritual experience that speaks more purely not as just some god-religion 
but as we are as a bunch of transcendentalists better known collectively as the 
Fairfield meditating community. This is rooted differently than just creed as 

 This from the Wikipedia page on New Thought:

 “..another is Emersonianism or New England transcendentalism; another is Berkeleyan idealism; another is spiritism, with its messages of "law" and 
"progress" and "development"; another the optimistic popular science 
evolutionism of which I have 
recently spoken; and, finally, Hinduism 
has contributed a strain. But the most characteristic feature of the mind-cure 
movement is an inspiration much more direct. The leaders in this faith have had 
an intuitive belief in the all-saving power of healthy-minded attitudes as 
such, in the conquering efficacy of courage, hope, and trust, and a correlative 
contempt for doubt, fear, worry, and all nervously precautionary states of 
mind. Their belief has in a general way been corroborated by the practical 
experience of their disciples; and this experience forms to-day a mass imposing 
in amount.[7]

 I like that, “a mass imposing in amount”. 
 Likewise, this was on the Zen Calendar this month,

 When Abba Pambo was asked to say a few words to the very important Bishop of 
Alexandria, who was visiting some of the Desert Fathers, the elder replied: “If 
he is not edified by my silence, there is no hope that he will be edified by my 
words.” -Zen of the Desert Fathers

 Undoing a long history with much suffering inflicted by Christian religionists 
I may pray instead of their doxology, 

 “.. where two or more are ‘gathered’ in the transcendence of the Unified 
Field, there is superradiance.”

 superradiance as quantum entanglement. Communication at a distance, 'a mass 
imposing in amount'.

Jai Guru Dev

---In, <> wrote :

 Fairfield Spiritual Center    

 this Saturday Feb. 9 at 10:45AM, doors open 10:30AM. Location: Fellowship of 
the Holy Spirit, 51 N. Court, Fairfield, IA, east side of square. Talks, music, 
singing, Poetry, 


 Theme this month: "Our Connection with the Divine." Everyone is welcome.


---In, <> wrote :

 In the ChangeMaker presentations they had a university student come up on 
stage hooked up with leads to a portable EEG apparatus, leads taped to places 
on her head to measure. 

 What I felt was pretty cool was as she was sitting and told to close her eyes 
and then to start meditating the group could watch her brain waves as they were 
displayed overhead contemporaneous on a screen, 
 but in what was really more interesting was to experience in the auditorium, 
with all these experienced meditators watching, go superradiant. 
 As the room of these experienced meditator audience folks were watching with 
eyes open and listening along to instruction as it was given to the student to 
 the effect from the group activation was evident in the room, but of course 
they don’t have a measurement display on that effect. Pretty cool to experience 


---In, <> wrote :


 The ChangeMakers Satsang.. 
 Tonite at Dalby Hall  on campus,
 a powerful panel of thought leaders—neuroscientists, educators, psychologists, 
and our own MUM students — to offer exciting, disruptive solutions. Filmmaker 
David Lynch will be joining us for a closing Q&A, and scroll down to see the 
amazing roster of other speakers.
 This is all part of a co-sponsored initiative by the David Lynch Foundation 
and MUM to put our university on the map by attracting world-class leaders to 
explore great ideas.
 Friday, Feb. 8, 7:30 pm in Fairfield. If you’re not in Fairfield on February 
8, here’s a link for the global webcast that follows on Wednesday, February 
13, starting at 4:00 PM ET.

---In, <> wrote :

 You are warmly invited to attend our Empowerment Healing on the 
topic"Balancing the Masculine and Feminine and You" on Saturday, February 9th 
10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Central Time (USA). You can attend via webcast, Skype, 
teleconference, or in person at Divine Mother Church, 51 N. Court, Fairfield, 

---In, <> wrote :


 Chanting 1000 Names of Sri Lalitha Sahasranama   

 In Fairfield, Friday Feb.1st. 1000 Names Recitation in Unison 


 6:00pm to 6:45: Please arrive before 6:00 to avoid disturbing others.

 6:50 to 7:10: Optional Group meditation (please come a little before to get 
settled and avoid disturbing others).

 612 Lindenwood Court 

---In, <> wrote :

 In Fairfield, Iowa now, being communally recommended is the recognizing of the 
importance of the health of the whole of the human psycho-spiritual energy 
bodies, our spiritual lives. Just look inside Fairfield at least to the 
advertisements, calendars and listings occurring in The Fairfield Weekly Reader.

---In, <> wrote :

 Fairfield Spiritual Center 
 2nd Saturday Monthly Service

 A non denominational spiritual center
 base on “New Thought Ageless Wisdom” teaching.

 Open to Everyone

 Singing, poetry, talks, fellowship. 

 Location at:  Fellowship of the Holy Spirit
 (Building on the east side of the Fairfield Square)


 Upcoming Services:
 January 12, 2019: Loving Ourselves, Loving God
 February 9, 2019: Divine Connection
 March 9, 2019: Prayer and Affirmations
 ​April 13, 2019: Living Consciously

---In, <> wrote :

 In Fairfield, 
 recitations of Shri Suktam and 108 recitations of the Lakshmi Gayatri.


 Saturday the 5th of January,

 an informal gathering for those wanting to recite and/or listen to the 108 
recitations of Shri Suktam and 108 recitations of the Lakshmi Gayatri.  We will 
start at 10am and likely go until mid afternoon. 


 All are welcome to attend, participate or just listen to 108 recitations of 
these sacred invocations of MahaLakshmi from 10 am to approx. 3 pm : 

 South on Rte 1 (Main St.) under Rte. 34 overpass, 1st left on 227th, 2nd house 
on the right. 

---In, <> wrote :

 Mirabai Devi visiting to Fairfield, Iowa.. 
 Sunday 2-4pm, 6 January 
 At Morningstar Studio

---In, <> wrote :


---In, <> wrote :

 Some folks who are very present in 
 the ongoing spiritual satsang of Fairfield, Iowa..
 Janet Sussman ConnieHuebner Steve 
Winn Steve & 
Winifred Boggs Dorothy Rowe Stan Kendz  Andy Schulman
 Fax & Sharon Gilbert  Sandra Glickman
 The Fosters
 John Hagelin  





 ---In, <> wrote :

 Radical Peace

 Amidst Radical Change


This session will focus on constructive ways to come to a state of deep inner 
peace in the face of the struggles inherent in our everyday lives.If you are 
interested in joining the group, please respond to this email asap. I will 
start the class on and 
make the event available through audio recordings to long distance course 
participants. These recordings will also be available to participants who are 
coming in person to my home in Fairfield.



 Please make your reservation for this group on my website at  Or just come the day the course 

 Feel free to pass this notice along to family and friends who might be 
interested in attending.




 An Evening of Transformational Music 
with Janet Sussman DATE:
Saturday, February 9, 2019

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm. Live in Fairfield, IA 52556

909 S. Main St., Fairfield, IA 52556


---In, <> wrote :

 Fairfield, Iowa's Divine Mother Church,  Downtown at the Fairfield square..

 ..join us for Empowerment Healings on Saturdays -- and Feast of Light sessions 
on Tuesdays, led by Connie*.  Some highlights of our extended calendar are 
listed here.  Be sure to check listings for all the events in the calendar 


 Feast of Light Healings
 These sessions are a wonderful pick-me-up in the middle of a busy week, and we 
encourage you to take advantage of them. They are shorter than the Saturday 
sessions, so they can fit into your lunch break.
 12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.  Central Time USA
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
 Tuesday, January 29, 2019  
 Attend these sessions in person at Divine Mother Church, 51 N Court, Fairfield 
- or by teleconference at  712-770 8027, CONFERENCE CODE 468716.



 ---In, <> wrote :

 Conversation From the Fairfield satsang.. 
 Q: David Spero is very good at a transmission of soul energy but this other, 
he is not directly of this other process of spiritual body, subtle body and 
cultivating those processes as the heart-mind and such as Janet, Matt, or 
Cynthia particularly entail it. 
 A: You can see why because all that can become distracting in itself. It is 
funny, one sort of chooses one distraction for another. 
 It used to be that it was meditation, meditation, meditation in the meditating 
community until it became more multi-formed in a coming on of ‘Vedic Sciences’. 
..That is because we needed to have the elevated value of this, the beautiful. 
Then is the sublime value of the Divine masculine, it is this open mind, it is 
this capacity of consciousness itself, the experience of the silence. But it is 
only part of what needs to happen in this process. 
 In David there is a type of unification in process in what unity is, there is 
both. In what makes unity unity is not just infinite unbounded silence but 
infinite unbounded silence and infinite unbounded dynamism together at the same 
time. Not one or the other but both wedded. That is what Cynthia Bourgeault was 
talking about

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