For anyone who may have an interest, for the upcoming Good Friday release of 
the local paper where I live, I have placed the following extract because, I 
believe, times of spiritual commemoration and remembrance place the heart and 
mind in a certain receptive state to make infinite truth more audible through 
all the material clatter and clamour...


 Mary Magdalene spoke through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred 
Moyes, at the Greater World Circle on Saturday, 26th March, 1927 (during the 
address "Spiritual Recognition").

"…In that long past, the women were, so it would seem to you, crushed by the 
rules and the approachment of the mind, and it was to me in that far-off time 
that we were almost as the dogs.  Yes, and the rebellion stirred within. I 
looked upon those who were our controllers and because there was that in my 
adornment and my body which appealed to some, I found that through that 
possession I could control my controllers. And so the damage was done...

"This night, in this quiet atmosphere, I find myself walking in the fields; the 
sun, as you do not understand it, is shining upon me; the world is beautiful, 
yet it is leprosy underneath. My heart and my mind, they wage a battle: That 
which is attractive to the eye, it has even like a rope captured my desires; 
but my heart cannot rest for I have seen One who is different, different; 
unlike, oh, so unlike - and thus the battle goes on...

"And then, dear sisters, the scene is changed. Oft did I creep amongst the 
crowd close to the Holy One, and, as I listened, so horror fell upon me - I am 
unclean, unclean. But the eyes of Love, they rested upon me, stemming the 
anguish yet quickening it to stem it again.

"Once more the scene is changed. It is the morn of that which you name Calvary; 
and through those awful hours, the women with their sufferings were crucified 
again and again. Oh, you can understand that this body of mine - with its 
horror and its beauty - how gladly would I have nailed it to the Cross 

"Ah, we may fall far, but beneath our folly the woman's heart remains the same. 
Thou canst understand - I know thou canst understand.

"Every drop of blood in my body would I have shed for the One who did all for 
me; and that was my punishment. Could a more terrible punishment have been 
conceived? Ah, the women's hearts respond to this, the mothers' hearts echo the 
anguish which was mine... In those awful hours of Calvary, Mary was on the 
Cross as well…"


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