‘Support of Large Nature’, popularly spoken of as aka ‘synchronicity’.. within spiritual life.. https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/ groups/FairfieldLife/ conversations/messages/438357 https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/FairfieldLife/conversations/messages/438357
Throughout readings in the old Journals of the Quaker mystic founders, weighty by spiritual state, are expressions of regard for the grace that evidently comes along with cultivated spirituality, like a side benefit to living out a disciplined human spiritual life. The journals of early Quaker are replete with expressions of gratitude acknowledged like this, / "Our horses hold out finely. They are in better order than when we left home [and] are lively on the road. And myself and companion are in usual health and lacking nothing, unless it be a sufficient degree of gratitude and thanksgiving to the Blessed Author of our multiplied, unmerited mercies and favors in preserving us and enabling [us] to come up in faithfulness - to the performance of the allotted portion of duty and labor for the promotion of his blessed cause of Truth and Righteousness in the earth, without being turned aside to the right hand or the left through fear or favor of mortals." Letter to Jemina Hicks 10.17.1819 -Dear Friend Letters & Essays of Elias Hicks edited by Paul Buckley