What happens in a community with 3,000 meditators.. Remarkable creativity, award-winning innovation, and harmonious, conscious living are a few of the features that make this Iowa town stand out, attracting students, young families, older retirees, and everyone in between. Take a peek, in this delightful video! https://vimeo.com/280412429
https://enjoytmnews.org/the-small-town-that-radiates-peace-and-creativity/#.XNF-K-tKhsM https://enjoytmnews.org/the-small-town-that-radiates-peace-and-creativity/#.XNF-K-tKhsM . . Respite: a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant. Paradise Lost? Come meditate now with the meditating community in Fairfield, Iowa. Fleeing towards respite, throw essential belongs you may have into a car and start driving. Note: Available Short-term Lodging of Meditators who practice TM and the ™-Sidhis is now more opened up at the pundit campus. For Short-term accommodation, including meditation with the group. Check out the.. Idealife Campus http://www.idealifecampus.com/home.html http://www.idealifecampus.com/home.html Rounding on the ‘long program’ of the Assembly is no longer required for rental lease at the pundit campus. There are rentals in Fairfield, Iowa on AirBnB. https://www.airbnb.com/s/Fairfield--IA?s_tag=hbwJTdMO&allow_override%5B%5D= https://www.airbnb.com/s/Fairfield--IA?s_tag=hbwJTdMO&allow_override%5B%5D= For meditators, come meditate along with other meditators in Fairfield, Iowa. There are several group meditations in Fairfield to attend. Also meetings to attend with other meditators. Fairfield, Iowa is a fabulous place for spiritual respite, renewal. An Iowa retreat offers a place of peace to those fleeing extreme weather damage. Also a place to learn to meditate.. http://www.tm.org/transcendental-meditation-fairfield http://www.tm.org/transcendental-meditation-fairfield 2018 Hurricane Season Will Bring Another Battery Of Storms Lodging and Housing http://www.fairfieldinfocenter.org/fairfield-tm-information-center/lodging-and-housing/ http://www.fairfieldinfocenter.org/fairfield-tm-information-center/lodging-and-housing/ Vastu Rentals in Fairfield (on Facebook): Temporary Vastu Housing (without lease) https://www.facebook.com/groups/Fairfield.Vastu.TEMP.Housing/%20 Permanent Vastu Housing (with lease) https://www.facebook.com/groups/fairfieldhousing/%20 Cries she With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming storms. Send these, the homeless, the climate’s tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” FW: Paradigm Change..the last week in May atmospheric scientists at: http://www.copernicus.eu/ http://www.copernicus.eu/ reported a huge albeit temporary spike in Methane gas release in the northern hemisphere. This indicated to us that we may not even have 1-3 years before the 'preverbal SHIT hits the fan' as Dr. McPherson so aptly referred to what is about to unfold. FW email: "..Finally we must inspire and motivate those present that collective consciousness can and must alter this apparent scientific inevitability of climate change. Now is the final call for our consciousness based community to rally together in large groups to routinely do their meditation practices." Better to move to Fairfield than come as a refugee. -Maharishi ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote : An Irony is that climate change peer review science and meditation peer review science are both met with the same strategies of character assassination, assertions by false truth, posing doubt about the economy being able to afford remediation and skepticisms sown about science, in whether correlation means causation. In the same way that the scientists of meditation have known the hateful works of the deniers the same strategies carried out by the same kind of anti-science people and ideologies the meditation scientists can have a lot of empathy for climate change scientists by shared experience. ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote : Public Policy should be driven by Science. Considering the science of climate change and science of meditation it is worth making a stand in human life. "Live urgently: meditate now! The end is plainly very near!" We can contribute spirituality in to the rational consideration of of the consequent of Arctic Ice Melt. ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote : Considering Human life brings up spirituality right away. Such overwhelming fatalism like the climate science gives will bring the push back to nihilism. Spirituality then as we know it in our meditational experience is the antidote to all that of 'nothing of purpose' and materialistic thinking. The meditating community has i (Message over 64 KB, truncated)