Molenbeek in Belgium seems to be less than a 100 miles away form Vlodrop. It's said to be the worst "nest"(?) of Jihadists in Europe. Is possible they could be considered modern days raakSasas?
rAkSasa mf(%{i})n. (fr. %{rakSas}) belonging to or like a Rakshas , demoniacal , infested by demons AitBr. &c. &c. (with %{vivAha} , or %{dharma} or %{vidhi} m. `" one of the 8 forms of marriage "' , the violent seizure or rape of a girl after the defeat or destruction of her relatives see Mn. iii , 33) ; m. a Rakshas or demon in general , an evil or malignant demon (the Ra1kshasas are sometimes regarded as produced from Brahma1's foot , sometimes with Ra1van2a as descendants of Pulastya , elsewhere they are styled children of Khasa1 or Su-rasa ; according to some they are distinguishable into 3 classes , one being of a semi-divine benevolent nature and ranking with Yakshas &c. ; another corresponding to Titans or relentless enemies of the gods ; and a third answering more to nocturnal demons , imps , fiends , goblins , going about at night , haunting cemeteries , disturbing sacrifices and even devouring human beings ; this last class is the one most commonly mentioned ; their chief place of abode was Lan3ka1 in Ceylon ; in R. v , 10 , 17 &c. they are fully described ;