> On May 21, 2019, at 10:28 PM, Ashley Williams > [FairfieldLife] <> wrote: > > > > Hi families, a group of us are trying to get a new playgroup going in > Fairfield this Spring! > > The way we see it working is that each family who joins signs up to host at > least one playdate a month for other parents in the group (but it can be > more!) It can be as simple as a playground meetup, potluck, trip to the zoo > or something more creative, like an arts and crafts activity at your house. > Parents will also be able to reach out directly to families to arrange 1-1 > playdates or swap childcare. > > Our vision is to get a really inclusive and welcoming community of parents > together here in Fairfield. > > We’re using to handle all the logistics, so if you’re interested > in joining our local group, all you have to do is go to > It’s free to join. Their > website does all the work of helping you see what playdates other group > members are hosting nearest you, tracking RSVP's, reminding families to come > and also has an option to swap childcare from other families in the playgroup! > > The special link to sign up or express interest in being part of our group is > > > You are welcome to share this link with friends outside the yahoo group, but > we just request you only invite people you know and trust (and ask them to do > the same). > > It takes a village to raise a child so let’s build one here in Fairfield! > > Best, Ashley > Parent to 2 under 2 > > ps. BTW, if you’re not based in Fairfield, it’s pretty easy to get a group > going near you too. Feel free to reach out and I’ll share how we got ours > started. > > >