Evidently back as Maharishi made his decision to raise the price of learning 
TM then initiations of new meditators dropped off precipitously. Furloughed by 
effect in this some numbers of old ™ teachers kept on with initiating new 
meditators as old prices worked out.
 In Vlodrop this was brought to Maharishi’s attention.  As this became apparent 
that some numbers of ™ teachers were continuing on with teaching ™ under old 
pricing he responded calling these old ™ teachers of his ‘scorpions’ and Brits 
‘scorpion nation’. It was a developed bit of a rant to a point of urging TM 
people to leave Britain.  

 A similar thing happened with a collapse in initiations of new meditators in 
France and other countries where ™ teachers continued trying on with the 
propagation of meditation. Triggering of wider reactionary separations, 
disownments of old ™ teachers, legal disputes, and then some long decades of a 
missing of or the skipping over of the millennial generations in which ™ was 
not taught so much at all to new meditators. It is a backstory to the present.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <he...@hotmail.com> wrote :

 Why did Maharishi start to call UK Scorpionland, or something like that?

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