I've had a smart meter at the house for several years.  It was installed 
below the old meter at the side of the garage well away from living 
areas.  But it probably puts out less emissions than my wifi router. The 
good part of it is you get a daily graph of use in the monthly bill.  I 
do well particularly in summer because I have reflective shingles so AC 
use is almost non existent. I actually had a bill last year indicating 
"no payment due".  The shingles keep the house cool in the summer but 
not so good in the winter when they also keep the house cool. :-)

However the utility company itself, PG&E,  is in deep trouble. I think 
because it is too big for anyone to effectively manage and covers too 
many different areas that should have their own utility. The company was 
even convicted of causing deaths of some residents on the SF Peninsula 
from a gas explosion.  They have also been implicated as the cause of 
the Camp wildfire last year in California that made it as smoggy here as 

On 10/7/19 5:15 AM, dbra...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
> Smart meters seems to be an issue for those who live in Fairfield and 
> elsewhere.  Our energy company, Duke Energy, installed one on our 
> house a few months ago.  I can't say I have noticed any difference, 
> although it has to go through three walls to get to our bedroom.  Duke 
> uses a "two-way" reading system, rather than a "one-way" or continuous 
> broadcast system.
> From Duke Energy:
> The new meters automatically transmit readings via radio frequency, 
> and they will largely eliminate the need for meter readers, Walls said.
> Duke notes the "radio frequency emissions from smart meters are 
> significantly lower than limits set by the Federal Communications 
> Commission. In fact, the emissions produced by other household 
> devices, such as cellphones, baby monitors and microwaves, are 
> considerably higher than the small amount of RF emissions produced by 
> smart meters."
> See the attached article for more info and comparisons to other 
> electronic devices.  Especially note the info under the heading 
> "Addressing Health Concerns".
> http://smartenergycc.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/SGCC-Radio-Frequency-Fact-Sheet.pdf
> If your community has a different type of smart meter or you have 
> concerns, this company makes a protective device that has a lot of 
> very positive reviews.  From my brief research, I'm guessing that the 
> numerous people who have found relief with this product had the 
> Continuous Broadcast type of smart meter.
> https://smartmeterguard.com/collections/all

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