11,000 scientists warn of 'untold suffering' caused by climate change
By Emma Tobin and Ivana Kottasová 
<>, CNN
Updated 2:54 PM ET, Tue November 5, 2019

(CNN) How many scientists does it take to convince the world to take climate 
change seriously 

More than 11,000 researchers from around the world on Tuesday issued a grim 
warning of the "untold suffering" that will be caused by climate change 
 if humanity doesn't change its ways.
The group said that as scientists, they have the "moral obligation to tell it 
like it is."
Phoebe Barnard, one of the lead authors of the report and the chief science and 
policy officer at the Conservation Biology Institute, a nonprofit science 
group, told CNN the report makes it clear "there's no more wiggle room" for 

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"Posterity will remember them badly for dismissing climate change as a serious 
threat to our civilization," she said.
It's not the first time thousands of academics united to urge people to take 
action on climate change. More than 16,000 scientists from 184 countries 
published a letter in 2017, warning that "human beings and the natural world 
are on a collision course."
The latest report was published in BioScience 
 a peer-reviewed scientific journal. The scientists, who come from over 150 
countries, said the climate crisis is "closely linked to excessive consumption 
of the wealthy lifestyle." 
Echoing the words of teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg 
 the scientists have criticized policymakers for failing to take an action. 
"Despite 40 years of global climate negotiations, with few exceptions, we have 
generally conducted business as usual and have largely failed to address this 
predicament," they said. 

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They listed six key issues that need to be addressed if humanity wants to 
prevent the most catastrophic scenarios. 
These include replacing fossil fuels, cutting the emissions of climate 
pollutants such as methane and soot, eating less meat, restoring and protecting 
ecosystems, building a carbon-free economy and stabilizing population growth by 
investing into family-planning services and girls education.
Barnard said the changes shouldn't be seen as "sacrifices," but as a way of 
"transforming things that we have found stressful." 
"Everything from road rage and congestion and dirty air," she said.

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