On Sat, Mar 14, 2020 at 9:00 AM Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com
[FairfieldLife] <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Note: Due to the COVID-19 threat, both Domes and the Flying Halls at the
> IdealLife Campus will be closing until further notice after Sunday evening
> ’s program. To maintain coherence, Maharishi Foundation ask us to lift
> off at our usual times, 8:15am and 5:45 pm.
> Forwarded from Ben Gosvig, who lives in North Campus Village:
> Dear Neighbors:
> My wife, Eileen, and I, Ben, are likely infected with Coronavirus. We
> cannot confirm this, because our physician, JCHC, and Iowa CDC cannot
> provide a test. I spent hours on the phone the yesterday trying to acquire
> a test with no success.
> Why do we think we have it? Last Saturday, March 7, we hosted my wife's
> boss from Norway for a day here in Fairfield. Prior to arriving, he had
> traveled throughout Europe and Mexico. Also, his home town of Oslo Norway
> is one of the hardest hit by Coronavirus, with nearly 600 confirmed cases..
> My wife's boss exhibited no symptoms and hasn’t been tested (which is why
> we cannot be tested).
> However, according to the WHO, 80% of Covid-19 carriers have mild or no
> symptoms. They are, essentially, ticking time bombs.
> The average incubation period for Covid-19 is 5.2 days, with some
> infections occurring in as little as 1 or 2 days. 4.5 days after our
> meeting, on the evening of March 11, both Eileen and I began exhibiting
> symptoms of fever, chills, body aches and respiratory congestion with
> coughing.
> Here's the kicker: I just had the "normal" flu 3 weeks ago, and made a
> full recovery. By the end of February, I was 100% healthy. I have NEVER had
> the flu twice in 3 weeks.
> At this point, my symptoms are pronounced, while Eileen's are less so. I'm
> 66 years of age, while she's a youngster at age 55. I also have no spleen
> (compromised immune system). We are, of course, in self-quarantine, and
> will remain so for 14 days. My wife’s boss is also now in quarantine in
> Norway.
> My message to my neighbors is twofold:
> 1) America's testing capacity for Covid-19 is woeful. Nationally, the CDC,
> can only test 350 people per day, in a population of 331 million. South
> Korea, with 1/6 our population can test up to 20,000 people per day. Nearly
> every country affected by Covid-19 has better testing capacity than the US.
> As a result, our measure of "confirmed cases" is wildly inaccurate.
> Thousands of infected people, like us, are walking around, some with mild
> or no symptoms, infecting others. This virus is highly contagious. Without
> adequate testing, infected people cannot confirm their status, and
> therefore have little motivation to self-quarantine.
> CDC's reporting vastly understates the severity of this crisis. Iowa
> currently reports only 16 cases, most from a cruise ship that visited
> Egypt. You can be sure this number is far from reality.
> 2) Even if you're not infected, stay home as much as possible, and avoid
> gatherings. In countries hardest hit (China, Italy, Korea) they've adopted
> near lock-downs, which has dramatically slowed the spread of the virus.
> Here's an important link that discusses how essential it is to avoid
> gatherings, even if you're 100 healthy and uninfected...
> https://www.newsweek.com/young-unafraid-coronavirus-pandemic-good-you-now-stop-killing-people-opinion-1491797?amp=1
> Eileen and I will likely be fine. We've arranged for food delivery, and
> are extremely careful to not contact anyone. Several times per day we
> (mostly my wife - I'm too sick) must make a short walk down north Ruby Lane
> to bring our large dog, Bailey, to the field north of NCV for his walks.
> He's a big, boisterous boy and must get out. If you see us headed toward
> the field, please remain clear of us so you don't expose yourself.
> This crisis is exploding quickly, and with greater severity than most
> realize. The proliferation models I've seen by epidemiology experts are
> terrifying. We can only stem this outbreak by being vigilant, and
> recognizing the gravity of our situation.
> I'm sorry if this message alarms anyone. As a probable carrier of this
> infection, I can assure you this is a nasty disease - especially for people
> my age, which includes most of NCV.
> The greatest threat of this virus is difficulty in breathing due to
> congestion in the lungs. Once fluid collects in the lungs, the danger is
> extreme.
> My wish is that everyone in our community remains healthy, and nobody else
> contracts this deadly disease.
> Regards,
> Ben & Eileen
> 2110 Ruby Lane
  • [Fairfiel... Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]
    • Re: ... '*Pamela Paradowski' pamelaaparadow...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
    • Re: ... Theresa Olson theresaolson...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

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