Dr. Fauci, whose guidance to President Trump has resulted in a near total 
lockdown of the country, recently published an editorial in New England Journal 
of Medicine that rightly points out serious flaws in his own doom-and-gloom 
COVID-19 fatality projections.

Dr. Fauci NEJM Editorial Suggests That COVID-19 Fatality Rates May Be 10x Lower 
Than Official Projections
Dr. Anthony Fauci is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and 
Infectious Diseases, and the guiding force behind President Trump’s recent 
order to extend social distancing guidelines another 14 days toward the end of 
April; social distancing guidelines that require maintaining "shelter-in-place" 
quarantines and extrending the shut down of millions of businesses and 
livelihoods which have already suffered irreparable and potentially 
catastrophic consequences.

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