Peter, the ever extending audacity of your doublespeak, and that of
your pals, never ceases to amaze me.  "There absolutely is no ego in
E., but there is an ego in E. ... la de dah". 

Its a technique of cults to ask memebers to acccpt as true bigger and
bigger lies and inconsistencies. After a while, the cult members
rational faculties are so weak or suspended, the cult leaders can
suggest anything and the cultists accept it -- without question. 

Kool-aid anyone?

(Following are paraphrased complilations of past proclamations of Peter. )

Peter: In enlightenment there is absolutely no sense of indiviuality
or ego. It is the sole and defining characteristic of enlightenment.
And anyone who says so is not yet enlightened. 

Man 2: Well I am enlightened and I have a sense of ego.

Peter: Yes, you must be enlightened. Its just impact of That on
different "mind-streams" that makes me say the above.  My view is
totally consistent with your reasonable and clearly true view.

Man 3: Yes, its the paradox of Brahman. 

Peter: But I do get so damn insulted and so very personally pissed off
when people try to point out contradictions in the above. 

Man 4: Peter, if there is absolutely no sense individuality, what or
who is feeling insulted and feeilng anger?

Peter: Fuck you, you asshole! You just NEVER will get it because you
are so unevolved. You waking state moron!

Man 5: God created the earth 5000 years ago, and planted dinasaur
bones just to test our faith.

Man 3: Yes, its the paradox of Brahman. 

Man 5: An inventor says he has invented a perpetual motion machine,
and wants me to invest all my money. But science says thats
impossible.   What should I do?

Man 3: Its the paradox of Brahman. Its a sign from Brahman. Invest my
son. Invest.

Man 6: 20 years ago I joined this great individual / social
transformation group, and devoted my life to it, and instead of
getting smarter, healthier, more social or creating world peace, the
organization became a really wierd cult that wants all my money, while
I can't even pay my bills.  

Man 3: Its the paradox of Brahman. Drink the cool-aid, Luke. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
> Well, Anon, the only solution is to "get" enlightened
> and join the fun. But in all seriousness, the
> difference in expressions and attitudes regarding
> enlightenment are just the impact of That on different
> "mind-streams (if I may borrow a Gangaji term). It's
> why there is no one spiritual tradition. There is
> never going to be total intellectual agreement
> regarding That, although That is the "same" for all.
> This 20 point list is just the concern of a particular
> mind on the impact of That on his/her mind.
> --- tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Skunk button pushing comments snipped for brevity.
> > Comment below
> > 
> > Alex writes:
> > > Is it your belief that an enlightened person no
> > longer has an ego or
> > > conditioned mind?
> > Akasha/Anon writes:
> > I think the term "enlightenment" is a label, that
> > serves little
> > positive purpose -- and its use has many downsides.
> > Its quite clear
> > that various people define the term in quite
> > different ways -- those
> > from different "traditions" and even those
> > proclaiming to be living
> > the label. Just today's post illustrates such. 
> > 
> > Both Jim and Peter claim enlightenment and yet quite
> > sharply disagree
> > on the 20 point list of attributes posted yesterday.
> >  
> > 
> > Another example of the self-proclaimed enlightened
> > and various
> > traditions not agreeing on what the term refers to
> > is your question
> > about ego. Your premise, it appears is that there is
> > a ego in
> > enlightenment. Peter vigorously and abundantly
> > disagrees -- stated
> > emphatically that he has searched everywhere no ego
> > can be found --
> > and it is on this single criteria that he claims
> > enlightenment. 
> > 
> > (Though ironically, thre is some "individuality" in
> > the "peter-sphere"
> > that regularly feels insulted. And also which gets
> > "bent out of shape"
> > and lashes out in anger.) 
> > 
> > And M Godman, who also claims enlightenment, states
> > emphatically, and
> > with even more words than Peter, that there indeed
> > is an ego in
> > enlightenment, but it no longer "rules" like it does
> > pre-enlightnment
> > -- it becomes subordinate to the Self. 
> > 
> > Jim, who claims the same enlightenemnt claims anyone
> > who thinks there
> > is no ego in enlightenment is insane.
> > 
> > And I assume, corrections welcome, that the premise
> > of your question
> > stems from the view of Waking Down that there is an
> > ego (and
> > conditioned mind) in enlightnement. 
> > 
> > Rory, who claims enlightenment, has even gone as far
> > as to say that he
> > simple made up his own criteria for enlightenement,
> > then "realized" 
> > that whcih he defined, and then started using the
> > title "enlightenment
> > -- even though his definition was his own and
> > neither a "traditional"
> > one nor the TMO one.
> > 
> > And Tom T, who claims enlightenment, says there are
> > milions of
> > diferent types of enlightenemnt, or flavors as he
> > calls them. 
> > 
> > Further Peter, again -- just today -- refers to cc
> > as "baby
> > realization" or baby enlightenment. Yet, if you
> > refer to the archives,
> > you will find a post from Tom where he "ranted" on
> > and on (IMO) in a
> > long post why calling cc as "baby" anything was
> > paraphrasing, stupid,
> > insane and agenda laden. 
> > 
> > Off cites MMY recently as saying enlightenment is 24
> > hour bliss.
> > Peter, greatly discounts bliss, repeatedly stating
> > that "bliss is dumb". 
> > 
> > My own experience of bliss-saturated states in
> > activity is that anger,
> > ego-driven activities, and glomminess (a fairly
> > regular quality of
> > Tom's posts) cannot be found -- and are found
> > "impossible" to arise. 
> > Whatever that state is, and/or MMY's  "24-hour
> > bliss" enlightenment,
> > clearly they have little to do with Peter's and
> > Tom's experience with
> > whatever they experience and label as
> > "enlightenment" (experience used
> > in broad sense of ' experiencing a state of
> > consciousness' not like 'I
> > experience the flower').
> > 
> > So hopefully you share some the the difficulty I
> > have with the  use of
> > the label "enlightenment". And also the phenomenon
> > of
> > self-proclamation of self-defined enlightenment.
> > 
> > My original comments, abve, on Tom's post are part
> > of my periodic
> > laughter at the ironies, paradoxes and/or
> > inconsistencies sxpressed by
> >  so-called self-proclaimed enlightened. Tom
> > proclaims that it is
> > solely Brahman  who seees through Tom's eyes and
> > types throuhg Tom's
> > fingers. So when Tom regularly lasses out in (IMO)
> > appears as gloom,
> > anger, and silly reasoning, it makes me laugh.
> > Similar to my laughter
> > when Peter claims "absolutely no ego exists" yet
> > feels deeply insulted
> > at times. And my laughter at the band of
> > self-proclaimed enlightened
> > as they stumble over themselves in expressing
> > contractiory attributes
> > of the assumed (by the casual reader) commonality of
> > the label
> > "enlightenment" (when in fact they are each defining
> > the state in
> > different ways.)
> > 
> > Tom T:
> > Have your ever heard of the Paradox of Brahman? Is
> > it possible that
> > this conundrum is something the mind can not fathom.
> > Or is it Jaimini?
> > Hmmmm!
> > Enjoy! Tom T
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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