Dear brothers and sisters,
I tried to present few excerpts from an online  rich library...where is an library of spiritual books that meet the raising needs of  21st century.
1. Gayatri is known as Adya Shakti, because Brahma who was borm from the Navel Lotus of Vishnu was directed to take support of Gayatri Maha Mantra for
creation. Brahma worshipped it and performed tap and brought forth all animate
and inabimate creation.
2. Gayatri is defined as Vedmata-the genesis of all Vedas. The four Vedas -Rik, Yaju, Sama and Atharva and hence all streams of knowledge are said to have originated from Gayatri.
3. Gayatri is referred in the scriptures as Amrat, Paras and Kalpavriksha,
because it bestows the necter of spirituality, illuminates the inner self of
every devotee with divine glow and fulfils all righteous desires.
4. Gayatri is the source of all the PARA: Manifested in the tangible world and
APARA: subtle branches of absolute knowledge.
5. The Chhandogya Upanishad states "GAYATRI VA IDAM SARVA BHUTAM YADIDAM KINCHA" implying that the entire universe is a reflection of Gayatri Power.
6. Gayatri represents the limitless Brahma, eternal, omnipresent, absolute
existence of Thy Consciousness Force.
7. Gayatri represents the deity of time, knowledge, pure intellect, prudent
foresight, creatuib, progress, welfare which is described in most of the Indian
8. Gayatri symbolize the Five Sheaths (Pancha Kosha): Body Cell, Life Cell, Mind Cell, Knowledge Cell, and Beautidious bliss Cell. of the consciousness force of five realms of its different manifestations and expansion.
9. LORD KRISHNA has identified himself as "GAYATRI CHANDASAMHAM", in the Bhagawat Gita (Verse-35: Chapter-10, Analysis of Gayatri in Vibhuti Yoga);
meaning to say amongest the poetic components I am the supreme Gayatri.
10. Gayatri is the origin of all the spiritual , conscious, unconscious, and super conscious faculties, cosmic energy and material existance. The cosmic power of Gayatri used for the creation and perceptible realization of this universe and named as SAVITRI.
11. The Science of Gayatri aims at the collective awakening of the righteous intellect, divine sentiments, altruist creativity and eminence. The Science of Savitri deals with the origin and proper utilization of matter and energy.
12. GAYATRI IS :(1) Essence of Knowledge supreme.
          (2) Fountainhead of wisdom and talents.
          (3) Eternal absolute.
          (4) Deliver of souls from the cycles of birth and death.  (Gayam trayate eti Gayatri).
          (5) Giver of wholeness, revealer of Vedas.
          (6) The pure sublime soul.
          (7) Adorable spirit of the yogis.

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