Ethanol is so simple and cheap to make. I made some a while back out of apple juice. I t took 24 hours to ferment the juice with a little yeast and a heating pad. This creates 10 percent alcohol which I then distilled, separated from the juice through a pipe stuck out the top of the bottle and heated. What came out were drops of 95 percent ethanol which burned a beautiful blue flame when I ignited it.


Objection: But the cost of apple juice and the electricity to make it was higher than the end product.


Answer: If you use cheap corn or sugar cane and ferment and distill the product with solar, it costs almost nothing to produce.


The advantage of ethanol is that it burns clean without the sludge found from petroleum, so the engine remains clean and the only by-product is carbon dioxide, consumed by plants.


What many people don't know is that a number of cars being produced even now can run on 80 percent ethanol. These cars are called 'Flex Cars' and are on the roads right now!



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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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