--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason Spock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     My dear unknown Virtual friend,  The problem is with India's
Political system.  A rotten, dumb and stupid Political system.  A
real piece of shit system.  India is a huge country.  Don't get
fooled by the Mercator Map.  The Map creates spatial distortion and
stretches out the regions in the poles and makes them loook larger. 
India is bigger than Alaska or Scandinavia.
>       50 years of Socialism

Do you know how incredibly successful Indians are who come to
America?  Along with the Chinese, they are at the top of their
classes...AND they fill up companies like Intel and Motorola and

Have you heard the saying: Indians are successful everywhere except
India. ?

> and caste-based job reservations has frustrated the population and
caused Brain-Drain. Even today, india has 300 million people living
below poverty line.  Corruption is open and brazenly done.
>       My friend went to Kashi and he told me a frightening story. 
If you go on an boat ride on river Ganges, and if you happen to
carry a lot of money or jewels, the scouts who watch you pass the
information to the divers.  They come swimming underwater and topple
your boat and grab everything you have and allow you to drown,!! 
Few incidents like these have made even the pilgrims wary of taking
a boat-ride in Kashi.
> ShempMcGurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 00:05:20 -0000
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Condom and Dirt - Found in Pepsi
>   After 5 weeks in India -- this was around '82 -- I remember that
> only time I felt relaxed was when I boarded the Pan Am 747 and was
> sitting on the tarmac at Dehli airport.  Although still in the
> country of India, I felt enveloped in the womb of western
> and felt completely protected.
>   > Ten, is that all? That is actually quite lower than I would 
> think. Actually my comment was about how many people hustle a
living in  India. Tourists are a prime target. Ever been there?
Almost every body you deal  with looks at you
> > like you are the bank and I'm gonna get some money! In 
> I had a
> > Purusha warn me and a friend about a scam in New Delhi in 
> Connaught Circle,
> > where somebody flicks something on your shoe that looks like 
> Sh*t and then
> > another guy runs up to you wanting to clean it off for a few 
> rupees. Sure
> > enough, my friend and I went through this particular place and

> guy came running
> > up to me and pointed out what looked like BS on my white shoes 
> and asked to
> > clean it off. I told him to get lost or I would call the police
> and  that I
> > was aware of the scam. This is just one scam . People are always
> looking  for a
> > way to squeeze a few rupees out of each tourist. If it was just
> an  occasional thing it would be laughable, but it is non stop
from the time you get  off the plane till the time you get on to
leave. Condom in the Pepsi bottle  just makes me think the scam
artists are setting their sites higher these days.  Sue the Bastards!
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