Title: Urgent! Help stop pro-factory-farm bill

Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 17:05:38 -0700
Subject: Urgent! Help stop pro-factory-farm bill

Dear JFAN supporter,
We urge you to consider contacting Gov. Vilsack's office IMMEDIATELY and asking him to veto this new bill! Yesterday the Iowa Legislature passed SF 2377, a bill that will greatly reduce and limit the authority of the Department of Natural Resources to regulate factory farms. For example, this new legislation will:
  • Prohibit the DNR from creating new  rules, currently under  consideration, that would limit the  construction of factory farms in certain environmentally sensitive areas, and  
  • Prohibit the DNR from undertaking  the inspection of ANY proposed  new factory farm sites, forcing it to rely solely  on the information in applications submitted by the  operator!   

According to the Governor's own policy analyst, this legislation would "gut" the new proposed DNR water rulings. This legislation would appear to be the single most significant negative piece of regulation surrounding factory farms to come out of the legislature this year.
Please ask Gov. Vilsack to veto it. Call 515-281-5211 and also email him at
www.governor.state.ia.us/comments/capitol_correspond/index.html <http://www.governor.state.ia.us/comments/capitol_correspond/index.html> .
For more information on the scope of this bill and how it will affect us all, see the CCI statement below. Thanks so much for caring!
JFAN Board
Jefferson County Farmers and Neighbors, Inc.
<http://www.jfaniowa.org> , 641-209-6600



Help Stop Pro-Factory Farm bill

Dear CCI member,
The House and Senate yesterday (May 3), on the final day of the legislative session, passed Senate File 2377.  This bill would virtually gut the DNR’s authority related to factory farm permitting.  Iowa CCI members believe it is pandering to corporate agricultural special-interests.  This bill would hand the permitting process over to the factory farms.  The DNR is also opposed to the bill.  Below are more details about the bill.
There was a story in the Des Moines Register today about the vote.  You can read it by clicking here. <http://desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060504/NEWS10/605040387/1011>    Also, CCI member Vern Tigges said in an Associated Press story that ran around the state the bill is "completely contrary" to the $18 million the Legislature has agreed to spend on cleaning Iowa's waterways, which have been ranked as some of the nation's most polluted.

"With this bill, the Legislature is saying let's let corporate ag pollute our water and then just spend our tax dollars trying to clean it up," Tigges said. "That's not governing, that's pandering."

The bill now moves to the Governor’s desk for either his signature or veto.  


  • Ask  the Governor to veto --and  send a strong message that this bill is terrible by asking him to veto it  NOW!
  • Email Governor Vilsack at [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  or call him at  515-281-5211.


About SF 2377

§        Eliminates virtually all of the DNR’s authority to deny or modify a factory farm construction permit or manure management plan;

§        Makes it illegal for DNR to inspect a construction site for potential problems;

§        And forces the DNR to take factory farms at their word when they submit construction permit applications.  

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