Title: Get Well Card for Tom Shirah
Dear Friends of Tom Shirah,

You may have head the news that Tom Shirah is in the hospital. Tom is being seriously challenged with what looks to be cancer. He was rushed to the hospital a few days ago and is being treated by a team of specialists. They are doing tests on him everyday and are still in the process of coming up with a complete prognosis and game plan. Email me if you want more details on this, but suffice to say that Tom is facing a serious battle. Friends and family are there with him every day.

I spoke to Tom yesterday and his spirits are good. I asked if he would like to receive well wishes from friends, and he said that yes, he really appreciates that and commented that it really helps him to receive support and encouragement from his friends.

So please, take a few moments from your busy life, and wish Tom well. It will really lift his spirits to hear from you.

Please go to this link and sign his card. Even something brief and simple will be appreciated:


While you are there you can view some pictures. If you have any pictures that you would like me to post, please send them and I will put them on the site.

There is wireless internet connection at the hospital so Tom will be able to read your messages.

Please pass this email on to any of your friends who know Tom. We want to shower him with our love and support.


Marty Howe

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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