Have you heard this MP3?
Either this guy has a helluva imagination or the cabal is deeper than
suspected.  It's from a guy who worked at a company at the WTC he feels
may have had connections with 911.

I have always been suspect of the 911 official story.  I have my doubts
that Al Qaeda could have planned such a thing (how DID they get those
building prepped for demolition) and Bin Laden initially denied
responsibility (probably until the funds showed up in his Swiss account).

feste37 wrote:

>Ex-Star Wars Chief to Charge 9/11 Treason in Chicago
>Kevin Barrett, 30.05.2006 11:47
>Col. Robert Bowman, Ph.D., former head of the Star Wars missile defense
>program, will charge top US officials with 9/11 high treason in an upcoming
>Chicago speech.
>Col. Bowman, who headed the Star Wars program under two U.S.
>administrations, will make these explosive charges in a speech at the
>upcoming Chicago conference, "9/11: Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming Our
>Future" (<http://911revealingthetruth.org>http://911revealingthetruth.org)
>A late addition to the conference schedule, Col. Bowman has an impressive
>resume and brings enormous credibility to the rapidly-growing 9/11 truth
>movement. It seems that America is now ready for Col. Bowman's message,
>since a recent Zogby poll shows that half of voting-age Americans believe the
>official story of 9/11 is a coverup.
>Col. Bowman, a scholar and ordained minister as well as a respected military
>figure, is currently running for a Florida seat in the U.S. House of
>Represenatatives. In a recent interview, he said he is planning to win his
>House race, go to Washington, and "take the 9/11 truth movement
>Col. Bowman, who is running as a Democrat, is one of many 9/11 truth
>candidates for local and national offices who will be attending a strategy
>session at the upcoming Chicago 9/11 truth conference. Others include Craig
>Hill, Green Party Senate candidate from Vermont; Carol Brouillet, House
>candidate from Northern California; and Sander Hicks, gubernatorial
>candidate from New York.
>Col. Bowman will be participating in the candidates' forum Sunday afternoon,
>and will give the plenary speech concluding the conference. (Click here for
>the complete conference schedule.)
>Kevin Barrett
>Coordinator, MUJCA-NET: <http://mujca.com>http://mujca.com
>Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth


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