Vaj wrote:

> On Jun 2, 2006, at 2:46 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
>> A must read:
>> was_the_2004_election_stolen
>> It should be at the top of the news but we know the crooks that now  run
>> big business and media will bury it.  Call all the talk shows,
>> newspapers, TV stations you can and harass them into carrying the 
>> story.
> Did you get to watch the Greg Palast interview with Amy Goodman I 
> posted a while back? It details precisely how it was done in both 
> elections--and why we really went to war.

No I didn't but I heard Palast on a lot of talk radio recently on the
subject.  I have no less than three progressive radio stations in the
area so I hear a lot of stuff on those shows.  I'll have to take a look
at interview.  I used to have the Dish Network satellite which broadcast
a lot of Democracy Now interviews on the FreeSpeechTV channel.

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