One should not listen to me as if I know anything for sure. Only your heart will tell you. I am not sure of anything. Maharishi is an enigma to me. I hope what he says is truth. I have yet to really see it. But that doesn't mean that what he says is impossible.  I hope his visions pan out and save humanity from the threat of extermination of war and treasonous and poisonous actions. If he has headed off humanities destruction then by any means that is acceptable. he is the 'great Seer' so he says, So be it!
I had good experiences in the Movement. Though some not so good experiences, such as not learning how to manifest my personal potential. And being attached to my short life, that simply wasn't enough for me. To worship Brahmins exclusively. To serve with blind faith. It wasn't my nature.
Do what thou wilt. Love under will. Kudos to Crowley for that one. My will was elsewhere, with the Vajrayana. I have had nothing but support from my Tibetan teachers. And their sanghas.
I had no support from the Movement insofar as the longevity of my life and personal practice. TM alone was not enough for me.
So for me Maharishi is not the answer. But maybe for others, he is. It's wrong for me to say what is right and wrong for all people. I sort of feel that's the case for others too. And so my reticence to simply believe the words of a Guru, when it comes to all others.
Maheshvara is the face of Shiva that obscures the truth. 
Mahesh may be a great protector of life, to me, but he is not the final say on matters spiritual. To me.
May it benefit!
----- Original Message -----
From: Kirk
Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 3:18 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New file uploaded to FairfieldLife

Interesting points. However, everyone of us was introduced to the
Holy Tradition by Maharishi. Trying to ignore that step, and fool
him/herself to think that they are now dealing directly with for
example Guru Dev, which I know several people claim to do and is
exactly what Maharishi predicted i 1983, then they are just
performing some very human, though disapointing activity; making

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