Wouldn't it be nice, to really create some shock and awe;
Where it would count right now;
Not like the fake shock and awe of the last invasion;
Where we were fighting a paper tiger...
But to confront the real monster;
The one with lots of reserves of it's own yellow cake uranium mine, galore.
The one with plenty of oil reserves who pussy's up to China and Venezuela.
The Evil One in Tehran; who threatens the right to exist of the Western World.
Do we stand by, sticking our heads in the ground.
Do we blame Israel for trying to rid the world of evil Hezbollah- suicidal pseudo-Nazis...
Or do we provide some meaningful shock and awe, for our own defense;
And for the defense of freedom in this world.
Who else is filled to the brim with missiles ready to launch;
Who else runs the world's economy.
Iran would like to convince the other world power players,
That the holocaust is a Jewish myth, and the United States, should be destroyed.
Just like Adolf Hitler in the 1930's spelled out his intentions.
The Iranians have spelled out there intentions, clearly.
We need the  shock and awe, strategy now..
That was misused before, in Iraq.
We need to stop them in their tracks;
In this window of opportunity, that will be lost.
If we fail to act.
If George Bush is a war president;
He certainly looks very weak right now;
Giving the Israelis a bad name;
For fighting the demon Hezbollah;
When the United States, hides behind a woman's skirt.
The Arabs certainly don't respect a woman diplomat.
The don't even consider here or us to be human...
R.Gimbel  Seattle,WA.

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