Title: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Number of people learning TM  (was: Victory Beef or War?)
on 8/6/06 1:44 PM, gerbal88 at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com> , "curtisdeltablues"
> I thought you were referring to the MIU geniuses who claimed that I
> had never meditated correctly after I left the movement.

Curtis, I do not remember if I repeated this incident here at FFL.
When Mahesh first asked me to do his letters, I started by reading
them to him. One of the first was from some guy who said he was
saying his mantra backwards and having visions of demons. He actually
asked what to do!!!!!!

Mahesh laughed and said it didn't matter, just to continue.

This reminds me of a story one of Amma’s swamis told this summer. He was reading her letters to her, and after reading 10 or so, he heard her laugh and make a funny sound, so he looked up and saw that she was reading a comic book. The funny noise was something that had been written in the book. He said, “hey, shouldn’t you be paying attention to your mail?” She then proceeded to tell him in detail what had been in the letters he had read. Then, she told him in detail what was in the letters he hadn’t opened yet. Then he said, “why do you bother having me read these if you already know what’s in them?” She answered that when people write them, they expect her to read them, and would feel bad if she didn’t.

There was another cool “omniscience” story that someone told me. One of Amma’s swamis who stays in the US much of the year had what he called a “negative thought.” He didn’t tell anyone about it. About three months later, he came to Amma, and she began teasing him about his negative thought in front of the other swamis.

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