From a Text on the Pathless Path of Unity Consciousness, _Pure Golden Ore_, trans. and comments by Keith Dowman.

"This title Pure Golden Ore (rdo la gser zhun) provides a metaphor for intrinsic purity of our every experience.  Suffused by gold, ore is no less precious then purified gold itself.  The Gentle Youth, who personifies the pure mind which suffuses all experience, is Manjushri Kumara ('jam dpal gzhon nu), known more conventionally as the bodhisattva of intelligence and protector of mind.  Confounded with pure essence of mind, the fount of all and everything, he is omniscient."

The Universal Process of Liberation Inherent in Pure Mind is Inscrutable.


Subtle and elusive, this universal path transcends thinking    and nonthinking;
without location or reference--indeterminate--it is beyond all
unutterable, it has no color or shape in any sensory field;
intangible and inscrutable, is inexpressible.


The universal process of liberation inherent in pure mind cannot be conceived and transcends thought and thoughtlessness.  It has no reference point in any concrete name or form;  it cannot be isolated or localized in any way.  It is utterly indeterminable and thus cannot be framed as any idea and cannot be expressed verbally.  In this way it is subtle and elusive.


The Dangers of the Path of Formal Meditation


Whoever follows the ancient sage's path
becomes sick from attachment to the meditation process;
such a one's teachers' literal instruction construed as a quest
this one chases a stream of concepts, as if pursuing a mirage:
the perfect modality cannot be indicated by words
and any 'true doctrine' is a travesty of Vajrasattva.


Whether Buddhist, Hindu or Bon, the classical path of meditation is a snare and a delusion when attachment to it becomes obsessive and it becomes an end in itself.  The habit of meditation becomes a disease when there is no liberating function in the process.  It is a disease when a blissful trance state seemingly separates an arrogant yogin/i from mind.  But above all this is a disease simply because it is goal-oriented and promises attainment only if the present is prostituted to the future. [!]  This state of alienation is caused by mistaking mental constructs for the path, to mistake the shadow of the meaning expressed in words for the thing itself.  The meanings of the words are taken as sacred concepts.  The letter of the instruction is taken to heart rather than the spirit.  To take any teacher's word literally is, for example, to construe reality as something concrete to be attained by striving in technique and method rather than as a door into the reality of this moment.
Words and concepts are a means to their own transcendence in the here-and-now.  Fascination with structure is a deviation; doctrine professed as 'true' and 'correct' gives Vajrasattva a mask of the ridiculous.


Bewilderment and Ignorance Are the Ground of Enlightenment


Purity and impurity, as one, indissolubly mixed,
pristine awareness and bewilderment are indivisible;
this is the lamp of unimpeded clarity free of mentation
and intractable nescience, in itself, is sovereign samadhi.


 All the polarities and dichotomies perpetuated by the intellect are resolved in the timeless pristine awareness of pure mind.  What is called 'pure' and what is called 'impure' are a seamless whole, and what is called 'pristine awareness' and what is called 'bewilderment' and 'ignorance' are precisely the same thing.  Both ignorance and pristine awareness reside in pure mind and the nature of mind is the nature of all.  This unity is the lamp of buddha and the heart of pure mind, and pristine awareness itself is by definition unimpeded and all-penetrating.  This state of unmitigated gloom is inherently a state of supreme absorbtion so that 'stupidity' and 'languid indifference' are another way of saying 'undiscriminating samadhi'.

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