On Oct 12, 2006, at 11:36 AM, Rory Goff wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Rory:

Would you be able to share some here on the course and what's 



When I was attending, a very large number of course participants 

were describing Unity and at least some of the paradoxical qualities 

of Brahman, many on an ongoing basis. I personally have been very 

pleased with their ability to recognize "me". :-) Many of them still 

seemed to be focussed on the particle- or experiencer-end of the 

equation, not overtly recognizing their identity with the One Mind 

whose simple thoughts *create* those experiences.  I believe a great 

many are at the crux-point, which MMY has been describing as the 

Lamp at the Door (between the Absolute and Relative).  

I always loved that metaphor, which comes from ancient collections of sayings preserved in the Sutras of Nyaya, the dehlidipa (dehalIdIpa ?), the light of the threshold which illuminates two-things-at-once.

I haven't attended the conferences directly with MMY lately, but I 

am told he is now elaborating on what I've called the Dark Night of 

the Soul, which he apparently is calling Durgatamas. He has 

reportedly lately been saying one has to go through Hell (the 

undivinized relative) to get to Heaven, wherein the relative 

(chandas) becomes lit with and identical to consciousness (rishi), 

turning Durgatamas into Madhachandas -- which cardemeister could 

translate better than I, but appears to be the honey-gold Heart-

reality of the "absolute" relative, the Solar Angel or Brahma(n). It 

is a lot of fun to see him embracing and describing stuff I had to 

make up words for, or felt I had to go foraging into other 

traditions to find concepts for.

This is great stuff. Thanks for sharing this. In my practice tradition we call it "The Mind of Near Black Attainment". That's the first time though I'd heard of Durgatamas. Even the Kabbalist's have methods for arriving across the abyss, into the lead-blackness of binah, and they descend into daath/the abyss and emerge (hopefully) on the "other side". The Gnostic "IAO" can also be seen as Isis-Apophis-Osiris, where this is a formula concealing easy practice (Isis), death-hell-dark night and reemergence (Apophis, the Destroyer), transformation, arising transfiguration/resurrection (Osiris, Jesus, etc).

For me one of the best parts of the course was and has been 

realizing on a much more profound level the *utter* spontaneity of 

the so-called siddhis (which I had/have no conscious attention on or 

desire for) arising as simple thoughts/profound fulfillments from 

the One Mind enjoying its own Being -- and the apparent science 

behind the precise *sequence* of those apparently-spontaneous 

thoughts. But better even than that is all the Enlightened company I 

am getting -- that's what is turning this place into Heaven on 

Earth :-)


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