--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <jflanegi@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > I just meant I didn't see Peter's remarks as meant to
> > put down or wound Lawson, purely for the sake of it-
> > sadistically. Rather, there was a lesson to be learned,
> > i.e. walk the walk vs just talk the talk. You may see it 
> > differently.
> Yeah, I see it as "Peter" being so pissed off at
> Lawson that he lost his cool and cursed at him,
> thereby giving us all a lesson in how the enlightened
> can behave.
> I'm sure that Peter was experiencing the infinite
> silence and bliss of the Self as he wrote it,
> witnessing "Peter" losing his cool and cursing at
> Lawson without being touched by it at all.

For those few in the reading audience who have 
only been part of real spiritual organizations,
and have never spent time in the TM movement,
this is an example of what is called "experience 

It happens when someone who has done everything 
they were told for 30 years and had nothing much
in the way of actual spiritual experience meets
someone who *didn't* do everything they were told, 
and who has had lots of real spiritual experiences 

I know that in organizations where pretty much all
of the students have realization experiences on a
regular basis, this phenomenon rarely comes up, so
you might not have encountered it before. Because 
of this, I just thought I'd explain to you what was
going on here, so that you'd understand the dynamics 
of it all.  Carry on...

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