> Lou Valentino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 2 e-mails to this list today:

E-mail #1 -

> As of today 12/20/06 I have been turned down to participate
> in America Invincibility course. I have been a regular
> practitioner of TM and TM-Sidhi's for 28 years. They told
> me because I practice astrology that I would not be allowed
> in the dome. I think Maharishi needs to perform the greatest
> miracle of all. Respect for his citizen Sidha's.

E-mail #2 - response to a question about his astrology practice, etc. -

> Yes.  I practice both Western and Joytish.  My website has information 
> about my services: _Astrological  Varieties_
> (http://www.yogavisionaries.com/) and who I am and what I'm about.  I
> am going to pursue the dome on other levels.  I am a practicing Hindu.
> According to my religious beliefs I am allowed to practice astrology.
> I feel discriminated against and personally violated. I have been doing 
> my practice just as I had been instructed by Maharishi.  I can say this:
> I have participated with Sathya Sai Baba's, SSRS, TMO, Shiva Baba,
> worked for Deepak Chopra,  and visit a local Hindu Temple every Friday 
> to receive blessings from Lakshmi. NEVER, have I been turned down
> or away from anyone. It is not the role of the TMO to prey into people  
> personal spiritual life. I will be sending an e-mail to Bevan Morris 
> about this and I will pursue other avenues if I need to. Thank you for
> your interest and i'm sure their are many people in Fairfield who are
> just as  disappointed as I am.

> Love and Light. 

> Lou Valentino

Dear Lou,

I am very sorry for your disappointment in not being accepted on the
IA program, and for how discriminated against and personally violated
you feel.

I have two main points to make:

1. Unfortunately, I don't think you have been completely forthright in
    characterizing yourself (and the possible reasons for your problem)
    here on this list.  You make it sound like your practice of astro-
    logy is your only problem with the TM organization - like you are
    just a regular, long-time meditator/sidha who is being given a hard
    time for doing a few astrology charts.

    A look at your website, and what you've just written on this list,
    reveals the following very different picture:

    a. You are a professional astrologer - practicing a mix of Eastern
       (Jyotish) and Western astrology.

    b. You are also a professional yoga teacher.
       "Lou has completed his yoga certification through a one-year in-
        tensive program by The Temple of Kriya Yoga in Chicago, IL."
       "Lou Valentino is the creator of 21st Century Yoga..."
       You claim to have taught in athletic clubs, fitness centers, a commu-
       nity college, a medical center, 2 vocational schools, and a religious

    c. You are also a professional meditation teacher (not TM).
       "Lou Valentino is the creator of...AstroVedic Meditation."
       "Lou has a deep and thorough understanding of yoga and meditation."

    d. You offer intuitive dream analysis.

    e. You offer a "simplify the mind" organization.

    f. You promote spiritual psychic consultations.

    g. You clearly claim connection to Maharishi, TM, MIU, SCI, etc. and
       use that connection to promote your own professional (non-TM) work:
       "A graduate of the Science of Creative Intelligence taught by
        Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the Advanced Course of Meditation/TM
        Sidhi Program at Maharishi International University, Iowa."
       "Lou worked at Maharishi International University in Iowa,
        Maharishi Ayurvedic Products International.
       "A professional astrologer for 20 years, Lou combines his exper-
        ience of consciousness with Western and Eastern Astrological
       "He has completed residential courses in Rhode Island, Washington,
        DC, New Haven, CT, and Iowa, where he meditated with more than
        3,000 people."

    h. You promote yourself as a professional spiritual teacher, vision-
       ary, yoga teacher, meditation teacher, reiki healer, etc.
       (see comments on yoga and meditation above)
       "Lou Valentino is a visionary for our times, foreseeing upcoming
        trends for our world."
       "Lou has appeared on radio and TV."
       "Lou received his First Degree in The Reiki Technique in 1983."

    i. You proudly advertise that you have participated in the programs
       that the TM movement considers problematic and doesn't want to
       be associated with:
       The Advanced Art of Living Courses taught by Pundit Ravi Shankar
       of Bangalore, India.
       Worked at Quantum Publications...worked personally with Dr. Deepak
       Chopra, today's foremost authority on mind/body medicine.
       Dr. Chopra has recently endorsed Lou's transcript [manuscript],
       Looking Into The Future (available for sale through [Lou's] website).
       Sathya Sai Baba.
       Shiva Baba.

I'm not in any way condoning or condemning the TM organization's turning
you down for the IA program.  I'm not judging or analyzing or commenting
on their actions.  We have very little (probably no) control over the
actions of others - although we CAN often predict them.

What we DO have control over is our own actions.
Don't get me wrong; I don't begrudge you any of your activities, nor
judge you to be "wrong" in doing them.  I, myself, explore and teach a
lot of stuff.  But don't tell me that you were not able to anticipate
the reception you got from the TM organization!  I take full responsi-
bility for my explorations and their potential consequences.  Just read
the list of your own activities above and take responsibility for the
choices you've made - both in the activities you participate in and
teach, and in the ways you promote yourself - and for the predictable
reception that you got, and stop whining and pretending to be a victim.

2. You say "I'm going to pursue the dome on other levels."

That's a good idea, but probably not the way you meant it (e.g. letters,
legal action about religious prejudice, etc.)

If you can get past your bruised ego, and your desire for revenge or
power - you might consider the following:

What was your original motive in applying to be in the dome?
Wasn't it to contribute to world peace?

Then how can the TM organization have any power over your ability to
still do that?
They don't!

We know that there are various TM meditation groups around Fairfield;
in fact, some people do their program out in Vedic City, miles away
from the domes, and they are still considered part of the big program.
So the super-radiance effect obviously extends far out past the walls
of the domes.  So why not physically put yourself near the domes -
like in a rental room or apartment or house, or even in your parked car
on a public street - and do your program at the same time as everyone
in the domes?  Or join that publicly-accessible program hall set up in
by David Hawthorne in some office building in town, not very far from
the domes, and contribute to the world peace effort there.

Lou, it feels like you are giving away your power - and then getting
angry at "them" - the people you gave it to!

Take back your power, let go of your hurt feelings, and take action
to fulfill your original desire.  It's not too late.



Michael Dean Goodman, Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 (messages received 24 hours a day) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Spiritual guide (ashtanga yoga/meditation, tantra, vedanta, ayur veda...)
Counselor * Author * Speaker/Educator
Satsang * Workshops & Retreats * Classes * Private Educational Sessions
Clients and programs throughout the United States, Europe, and India
Working in person or by phone
Free initial consultation to discuss your needs and goals

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