On Dec 29, 2006, at 3:10 AM, cardemaister wrote:

40. By conquering the current called Udana the Yogi does not sink in
water or in swamps, he can walk on thorns etc., and can, die at will.

Udana is the name of the nerve current that governs the lungs and all
the upper parts of the body, and when he is master of it, he becomes
light in weight. He does not sink in water; he can walk on thorns and
sword blades, and stand in fire, and can depart this life whenever he


 utkrAnti       f. stepping up to VS. S3Br. ; going out ; passing away ,
dying Katha1s.

It's a common yogic term. The term used when one is initated into conscious "transference" is saMkrAnti: transference. The Tibetans call it

Consciousness Transference

From RangjungYesheWiki
Consciousness Transference ('pho ba)

The process of the transference of consciousness (Skt. saṃkrānti) at the moment of death enables the deceased to acquire liberation from cyclic existence during the intermediate states. If capable the deceased will have trained in the distinctive practices of consciousness transference during his or her lifetime, and then directly apply the technique at the time of death. Otherwise, the transference may be successfully applied on behalf of the deceased by an accomplished practitioner. Diverse modes of consciousness transference may be applied. Among them, the optimum modes are: consciousness transference into the buddha-body of reality (chos sku'i 'pho ba); consciousness transference into the buddha-body of perfect resource (longs sku'i 'pho ba); and consciousness transference into the buddha-body of emanation (sprul sku'i 'pho ba); but there are also techniques enabling ordinary persons to transfer consciousness into more favourable modes of rebirth (tha mal pa'i 'pho ba) whether they die gradually or suddenly. The technique of consciousness transference may be taught in the context of the preliminary practices (sngon 'gro) of meditation, as in the tradition of 'Jigs-med gLing-pa, or in the context of the perfection stage (sampannakrama) of meditation, as in the celebrated Six Yogas of Nāropa (na ro chos drug), while, in the tradition of the Great Perfection, the term 'great consciousness transference' or "great transformation" ('pho ba chen po) refers to the actual attainment of the rainbow-like buddha-body of form. All practitioners are advised to undertake training in the technique of consciousness transference in the course of their lives. Among the signs of successful training, a minute hole will appear at the anterior fontanelle on the crown of the head, enabling consciousness to depart from the central channel should death occur. In this regard, it is important to recognise the signs indicative of the onset of death as and when they arise, and to apply the ritual antidotes which might avert these signs and postpone death. Only when such signs constantly recur without the possibility of being averted by ritual means, and death becomes imminent, should the dying person take recourse to the transference of consciousness.

'pho ba [Tib.]

From RangjungYesheWiki
Phowa. Ejection of consciousness to a buddhafield at the moment of death [RY]

1) transport/ transfer; 2) go; 3) death; 4) changing [emanating, descent, ejection, dying, ejection of consciousness, change place, shift the transformation at death into a higher realm of existence] [IW]

90 minute period, change, transform, transfer, transmigration, change place, go, move oneself away, migrate, depart, shift, descent, ejection, alter, SA spo ba, meditation on transferring the consciousness, movement, cycle of breaths, force of the breath, flowing of the breath [JV]

transference of consciousness; to transfer/ shift; isc. shift in perspective/ paradigm shift [RB]

phowa, transference of consciousness [RY]

'pho ba, 'phos pa, 'pho ba intr. v.; the transference of consciousness; to transfer, shift, transit, transpose; transformation; changing, emanating, descent, ejection, dying, ejection of consciousness, transferring, to change place, shift. the transformation at death into a higher realm of existence. ft. of 'pho ba; transference of consciousness; to transfer/ shift; to transmit; to enter [the heart]; to be transferred [RY] rang rgyud la 'pho ba that they may receive in themselves [RY]

ejection of consciousness A yogic practice in which consciousness leaves the body. One of the yogas of Naropa [RY]

1) transport/ transfer; 2) go; 3) death; 4) changing [IW]

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