Number one: Yama, which includes the below,

Non-acceptance of others possessions.

If you're waiting for limb number 8, Samadhi, to solve all of your
problems, think again! It is only thru samadhi that one is empowered
to practice the other limbs most effectively. (archer analogy)

All the other limbs must be practiced however!! As MMY says in the
Bhagavad Gita pg363 HB.."With the continuous practice of all these
limbs, or means, simultaneously, the state of Yoga grows
simultaneously in all eight spheres of life, eventually to become

So if you've taylored your life around waiting for TM to kick in
(hungry dog analogy)you're gonna be waiting a long time....and I only
mentioned Patanjali's first limb!!!!!!

Are you practicing Patanjali's other limbs of Yoga as recommended by
MMY himself in his Bhagavad Gita?

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