--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> But, surely all *will* happen as it must.  The term "all" 
> certainly includes our emotions, our morality, our cultural 
> motiv, right? Nothing is separate from anything or everything.
> The sense of outrage you display (and any actions you take, 
> so prompted by it) are  also inseparable threads in the 
> fabric of "all".  You will act as you must. We all do. 
> That's all.

Good answer. The only change I'd make to the above
to agree with it is a search operation on the word 
'must,' replacing it with 'will.'

It is possible to believe that everything is perfect
(on some level) at every moment, while not believing
that that perfection was designed or predestined. It
could have an "operating system" of chaos and still 
be perfect, or it could have an "operating system" 
of karma + free will (not quite chaos but close, in
effect) and still be perfect.

As I suggested before, the reaction or overreaction
of some people to such statements as Nisargadatta's
is (IMO) based on trying to suss the reality of 
one state of attention from another. There is not
just one reality; there are as many as there are
states of attention, each different, each perfect
(on some level) unto itself, each valid. All I'm 
suggesting is that one doesn't have to believe 
that these states of attention are hierarchical,
with Unity being the "highest" and thus the "best"
or the "real" reality. All of them coexist at all
times, none of them "highest," none of them "best,"
all of them perfect.

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