I know I'm not supposed to be judgemental, but:
What a scum-bag!

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Dick Morris reportedly planning to "Swift Boat" Sen. Clinton  In 
his January 20 column, nationally syndicated columnist Robert D. 
Novak wrote that "Former Clinton Adviser" Dick Morris is "asking for 
a contribution between $25 and $100 or more to finance a critical 
film documentary of Sen. Hillary Clinton." According to Novak, in a 
mailing sent out by The Presidential Coalition, a group run by 
Republican activist and discredited former congressional staffer 
David Bossie, Morris wrote: "If you liked how the Swift Boat Veterans 
turned the tide against John Kerry, you understand how a top Clinton 
aide can turn the tables and stop a Clinton-style liberal from 
becoming the next president of the United States."
>   Morris writes a regular, syndicated column that appears in The 
Hill, a Washington, D.C., newspaper, as well as several other 
newspapers nationwide. Morris' columns are also featured on his 
personal website, Vote.com, as well as conservative media outlets 
such as Human Events Online, NewsMax.com, right-wing pundit David 
Horowitz's FrontPageMag.com, and Family Security Matters.
>   As Media Matters for America documented, the Swift Boat Veterans 
for Truth (now Swift Vets and POWs for Truth) conducted a smear 
campaign against Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) during the 2004 presidential 
campaign, falsely attacking and distorting Kerry's Vietnam service 
record. Media Matters has also documented numerous Morris falsehoods 
and smears of Democrats. Most recently, Morris falsely claimed that 
Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) voted against an amendment to a Senate 
ethics reform bill that would have prevented legislators from hiring 
family members to their campaign committees and political action 
committees. In fact, Obama voted against a measure to table, or 
effectively kill, the amendment. Morris subsequently apologized and 
retracted the allegation.
>   In addition to his syndicated column, Morris frequently appears 
on Fox News as a "political analyst," and has often attacked Sen. 
Clinton. As Media Matters noted, on the December 18 edition of 
Hannity & Colmes, Morris claimed he would "leav[e] the country" if a 
presidential ticket of Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) were to 
win the White House." On the December 5 edition of The Big Story with 
John Gibson, Morris called Sen. Clinton a "liar":
>     MORRIS: Well, that's the -- it's one of these Hillary lies. 
When she learned that Bill had been with Monica [Lewinsky] because of 
the stain on the dress, she had to pretend that she didn't know a 
year earlier when he told her, so that she could defend having called 
it a vast right-wing conspiracy.
>   Here, she spent two years telling New Yorkers she's undecided 
about running for president so they'd get her -- get them to re-elect 
her to the Senate, and now she has to go through this pantomime, the 
charade of decision-making so she doesn't look like a liar for the 
last two years --
>   GIBSON: All right now, what about Barack Obama --
>   MORRIS: -- which she is.
>   According to the group's website, The Presidential 
Coalition "exists to educate the American public of the value of 
having principled conservative Republican leadership at all levels of 
government." The website features whitewashed profiles of every 
Republican president since Abraham Lincoln. For example, Richard 
Nixon's profile contains no mention of the Watergate scandal, instead 
noting simply that Nixon "resigned in 1974." George W. Bush's profile 
contains no mention of the Iraq war, but simply notes that "after the 
September 11th irruptions, he announced war on terrorism, and with 
that made victory."
>   —S.S.M
> ---------------------------------
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