> Fra: http://www.commondreams.org/views07/0204-23.htm
> Published on Sunday, February 4, 2007 by the Toronto Sun / Canada
> Fight Against Iran Too Familiar
> by Eric Margolis
> While the Bush/Cheney administration seems hell-bent on provoking 
war with
> Iran, Americans appear far more alarmed by the dangers of global 
> Many of them must regret not voting for "Ecological Al" Gore in 
> While icebergs melt, the U.S.-Iran confrontation is getting very
> dangerous.
> The heaviest concentration of U.S. naval strike forces since the 
2003 war
> against Iraq is concentrating off Iran.
> In a disturbing replay of that conflict, CIA drones and U.S. Air 
> recon
> aircraft -- along with U.S. and British Special Forces -- are 
> Iran and probing its nuclear and military installations. CIA and 
> MI6 are stirring unrest among Iran's Kurds and Azerbaijanis, and 
> Iranian Marxist and royalist exiles.
> A belligerent President George Bush ordered U.S. forces in Iraq 
to "kill"
> Iranian agents or diplomats who appear threatening.
> U.S. troops in northern Iraq broke into an Iranian liaison office 
> arrested its military staff. Bush unblushingly warns Iran, not 
to "meddle"
> in neighbouring Iraq.
> Pentagon sources accused Iran of smuggling weapons and explosives to
> "Iraqi
> insurgents;" though the "insurgents" are in fact Shia militiamen 
allied to
> the U.S.-installed Baghdad regime. Half of the 21,000 additional 
> troops
> headed to Iraq are being positioned to cover the Iranian border and 
> an
> Iranian threat to the main U.S. -Kuwait-Baghdad supply line.
> New contingents of U.S. Air Force personnel and warplanes are 
arriving at
> key forward air bases in Bulgaria and Romania that link the U.S. to 
> Mideast and Central Asia. U.S. bases in Britain, Germany, Diego 
> the
> Persian Gulf, Central Asia, and Pakistan are reported on heightened 
> Turkey is being pressed to allow U.S. and Israeli strike aircraft 
to use
> its
> air space to attack northern Iran.
> The Pentagon's latest strike plan against Iran includes more than 
> "high value" targets such as its dispersed nuclear infrastructure 
> worryingly, operating reactors, air and naval bases, ports,
> telecommunications, air defences, military factories, energy 
networks and
> government buildings.
> Iran's water and sewage systems, bridges, food storage, and bomb 
> could also be targeted, as were Iraq's in 2001.
> The U.S. Treasury has mounted a highly effective campaign to 
strangle Iran
> financially, seriously hurting its foreign banking connections, 
> industrial growth and energy production, and impeding foreign 
> The Bush administration and close ally Israel have sharply 
> their
> war of words against Iran, claiming, implausibly, it poses a nuclear
> threat
> to the entire world.
> Israeli threats
> Politicians in Israel are in dangerous emotional overdrive and 
making open
> threats to attack Iran. They claim Iran is a new Nazi Germany and 
> faces a second Holocaust -- in spite of its powerful triad of 
> forces
> that can survive any surprise attack.
> Though UN inspectors find no evidence Iran is producing nuclear 
> Tehran, like Saddam's Iraq, is being told to prove an impossible
> negative --
> that it has no nuclear weapons.
> With disturbing deja vu, the U.S. Congress and media are swallowing 
> administration's torrent of unproven allegations against Iran 
> the
> way they lapped up its grotesque lies about Iraq.
> Intelligence analysts would conclude either: Washington is trying 
to bluff
> Tehran to abandon its entirely legal but worrisome civilian nuclear 
> program and thus claim a major victory after so many defeats. Or, 
> cornered Bush/Cheney administration is trying to provoke an air and 
> war against Iran as a last desperate, ideologically driven assault 
> the Muslim world, and divert attention from its Iraq debacle.
> 'Not very dangerous'
> Amid growing war fever, this week France's President Jacques Chirac
> sensibly
> observed, off the record, that even if Iran had a few nuclear 
weapons for
> self-defence, "it is not very dangerous."
> Iran would be obliterated by U.S. and Israeli nuclear 
counterstrikes if it
> ever used its nukes against Israel, noted Chirac, and is unlikely to
> commit
> national suicide.
> After his comments became public, Chirac retracted them when 
> French-haters went apoplectic. But, as he did before Bush's 2003 war
> against
> Iraq, Chirac spoke with logic and good sense.
> Fra http://www.commondreams.org/views07/0131-28.htm
> Published on Wednesday, January 31, 2007 by Consortium News
> Iran Clock Is Ticking
> by Robert Parry
> While congressional Democrats test how far they should go in 
> George W. Bush's war powers, the time may be running out to stop 
Bush from
> ordering a major escalation of the Middle East conflict by 
attacking Iran.
> Military and intelligence sources continue to tell me that 
> are
> advancing for a war with Iran starting possibly as early as mid-to-
> February. The sources offer some differences of opinion over 
whether Bush
> might cite a provocation from Iran or whether Israel will take the 
lead in
> launching air strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities.
> But there is growing alarm among military and intelligence experts 
> Bush
> already has decided to attack and simply is waiting for a second 
> carrier strike force to arrive in the region - and for a propaganda 
> to
> stir up some pro-war sentiment at home.
> One well-informed U.S. military source called me in a fury after
> consulting
> with Pentagon associates and discovering how far along the war
> preparations
> are. He said the plans call for extensive aerial attacks on Iran,
> including
> use of powerful bunker-busting ordnance.
> Another source with a pipeline into Israeli thinking said the Iran 
> plan
> has expanded over the past several weeks. Earlier thinking had been 
> Israeli warplanes would hit Iranian nuclear targets with U.S. 
forces in
> reserve in case of Iranian retaliation, but now the strategy 
anticipates a
> major U.S. military follow-up to an Israeli attack, the source said.
> Both sources used the same word "crazy" in describing the plan to 
> the
> war to Iran. The two sources, like others I have interviewed, said 
> attacking Iran could touch off a regional - and possibly global -
> conflagration.
> "It will be like the TV show '24'," the American military source 
> citing the likelihood of Islamic retaliation reaching directly into 
> United States.
> Though Bush insists that no decision has been made on attacking 
Iran, he
> offered similar assurances of his commitment to peace in the months 
> invading Iraq in 2003. Yet leaked documents from London made clear 
that he
> had set a course for war nine months to a year before the Iraq 
> In other words, Bush's statements that he has no plans to "invade" 
> and
> that he's still committed to settle differences with Iran over its 
> program diplomatically should be taken with a grain of salt.
> There is, of course, the possibility that the war preparations are 
a game
> of
> chicken to pressure Iran to accept outside controls on its nuclear 
> and to trim back its regional ambitions. But sometimes such high-
> gambles lead to miscalculations or set in motion dynamics that 
can't be
> controlled.
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