--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Forgive me for my cluelesness. I am not a computer person 
> and trying my  best to reply to all of you. I will try to 
>highlight this and see what happens. Thanks for the heads up.  
> The compliment about me was a needed response because I do 
> want to communicate on the FFL without getting attacked. Lou.

The highlighting didn't seem to work in this reply.

In AOL, select Settings from the Mail menu. On the 
popup, at the bottom, you should see two lines that 
have to do with quoting text.

For the first line, 'Reply to messages with', you 
have two options, 'Selected Text Only' and 'Original 
Text'. The latter will automatically include the 
entire text of the message you reply to in *every* 
reply you make. The former will include text in 
your replies only if you highlight it *first* in 
the *original* email, *before* clicking the Reply 

The second line allows you to choose how you'd like 
that quoted text to appear in your outgoing email. 
'Blue Bar' looks pretty in AOL, but in my experience 
is not universal, and is often not translated into 
> marks by all receiving programs, including Yahoo 
Groups. 'Indent' takes the whole block of text and 
indents it one tab, which is neat unless the person 
you're replying to used long line lengths, and then 
it winds up making things look icky. 'None' means 
include the text, but don't indent it or mark it 
in any way (this makes it difficult sometimes to 
tell what's your new text, and what you're replying to.

AOL is not the smartest cookie in the box. I keep it 
around because some people know me only by my old 
AOL address and don't seem to be able to update 
their machines to my newer addresses. :-)

An alternative is to read FFL on its Web client at:


When you click Reply there, the sender's text is 
automatically included in your reply. The Web client 
has it pluses and its minuses. Be warned. Good luck.

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