> ,  "nablusos108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > UFO  sightings worldwide
> > 
> > As Benjamin Creme's Master indicates in  His article `The 
gathering of 
> > the Forces of Light', it seems that we  have now reached a phase 
> > which certain activities are being  stepped up in frequency and 
> > intensity. As so vividly illustrated in  that article, we may now 
> > forward to widespread sightings of  spacecraft and other signs ...
> [snip]

> > Yes. I have predicted a UFO increase this year 2007. See 
> _Astrological Varieties_ (http://www.yogavisionaries.com/)  . As a  
volunteer of 
> the Intergalactic Confederation it is Lord Ashtar in the upper  
sixth dimension 
> that is overseeing
> this planet. The Pleidians are the most protective of our planet. 
There is  a 
> standby evacuation plan that Sister
> Tuella wrote about in her book Project: World Evacuation years 
> Benjamin Creame loves to take credit
> that everything is under the direction of Lord Matreiya but he 
fails to see  
> the team effort and the voices of many others who are involved in 

I'm happy to see that some of your predictions now are happening. But 
then, again and again, you are unable to not blurt out your ignorance 
about Benjamin Creme and Maitreya, of whom you apparently know next 
to nothing.

Those interested should check out for themselves at: 

As far 
>  as the abduction cases that has been stopped years ago. The
> Zeda Riticulia was the group responsible for planting things in 
> bodies and impregnating women but
> this was stopped over 15 years ago. The secret society that they 
> created is very minimal. But the Ashtar command has millions of 
ships on standby  
> for a nuclear attack. Mark July 7th of 2007 on your ca landers as 
this is the  
> day the masters from the 7th dimension will  open up more to the 
world. It  
> also may be the time that certain spiritual teachers decide to pass 
over. It may  
> not happen on the exact date so give or take 10 days before and 
after this 
> date.  Meditation will be very important on July 7th of 2007.  
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