--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> No, see, Barry, Jim is saying that it isn't up to you
> to peck anybody else's shell.  If they're going to break
> out, they'll do it on their own, from the inside.
> Voicing your own criticisms of MMY and the TMO is fine.
> But you appear to believe that the "free discussion"
> charter means not only freedom for you to criticize but
> also freedom from any challenge to that criticism.
Yep- Many times the ones who appear unbalanced and self-righteous to 
me are those who are trying to challenge the teaching of TM and 
break boundaries supposedly, without examining their own values. Its 
a knee-jerk reaction, and an immature and thoughtless approach. 

I would not categorize any of the posters here on FFL as mindless 
clones of the TMO. Such thinking wouldn't last two minutes here. And 
personally whatever anyone chooses to believe here I am totally OK 
with, as long as they allow me the same freedom. 

What is galling is this fundamentalist thinking that some here have 
where even the merest acknowledgement of TM's unvarnished benefits 
or a mention of Maharishi's exalted state of conciousness sends them 
into tirades, completely obliterating any consideration of the 
writer's decades of research and reflection on these subjects.

A thoughtful challenge is one thing, but a lack of respect knee-jerk 
reaction will just generate more of the same. 

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