On Feb 28, 2007, at 9:33 AM, Paul Mason wrote:

Learning TM forces TM initiates into an unenviable situation - either
carry-on regardless and get 'checked' from time-to-time or shell out
lots of dosh and join in the courses that are held in the hope of
getting better info about the meditation.
I attended SCI tape meetings and they were just dull, I attended TM
retreats/advances, and they were just like nursery school for TM
initiates, run by initiates who had few of the answers but who for
the most part just enjoyed being in-charge.
So, I tend to suspect you are right, a lone TM-er could get strung-
out. In fact I know someone who did and he tried to top himself
several times. So, he was 'unstressing' and that this was some kinda
retribution for sending out a photocopy of the so-so secret mantras
to one of the governors. Apparently it made her quite upset to see
the list on the paper.

Here in the US, and in Rishikesh, we have an initiate of the Holy Shankaracharya Order and of the Saraswati sect who is a master of the complete science of meditation and kundalini. He (and his western line-holder) have worked directly with a good number of people with meditational disorders and know how to correct these sometimes complicated problems so they heal and resolve.

I recently heard from two long term TMers who had both had either discomfort or actual pain for over twenty years during meditation. They nonetheless remained faithful and "just continued meditating" every day. Eventually they found out about this group and were both diagnosed with serious blockages which they were both able to resolve very quickly with individualized instruction.

The western descendent of this line wrote a book called "Kundalini Vidya" which is a must read for anyone with any questions. It's a breathtaking read. It also gives one some some idea of what level of knowledge a Swami Brahmananda Saraswati would possess.

I believe it was someone here who recommended it. It is a must read IMO, but esp. if you'd been lead to believe that you were given the "whole thing, the real thing".

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