Dick Cavett:  "What would you say to Hitler?)
  Maharishi:  "(pause) I would tell him to meditate." 

TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> [snip]
> > During my lifetime I have had conversations
> > with bums, with whores and pimps, with a murderer
> > (who was a TMer, by the way), with atheists and
> > with total materialists. Not ONE of them was any
> > less "spiritual" than any of the "spiritual" people
> > I've met in over 40 years of spiritual seeking. And
> > to be honest, most of them were nicer people than
> > the people I know who consider themselves spiritual.
> I wonder what the editors on this list will make of this 
> oxymoronic passage? The only TMers that qualify as nice 
> and spiritual are those that have killed other people?

Well, he *was* nicer than many TMers I've met. Really 
sweet guy. 

It was in Las Vegas. I was dating another TMer who 
was visiting her parents there, and so I drove out from
L.A. to spend a little time with her (she didn't live in 
L.A.). Because I was working for the Regional Office at 
the time, they asked me to give an advanced lecture at 
the local TM center, and I did. And I met some wonderful 
people there, including this big guy who, I was told, 
hadn't missed a weekly advanced lecture since he'd 
started TM a couple of years before. 

And so after the lecture we're all standing around talking
and drinking punch and eating cookies. Me and the big guy 
had some wonderful discussions about meditation, about 
enlightenment, and about reincarnation. And then someone 
brought up this radio DJ in L.A. who had been giving TM a 
hard time. This was at the beginning of the "Is TM a religion" 
court cases, and the DJ was definitely taking the "Yes" 
position on the air -- often, and as if it were some kind
of crusade for him. Later that evening, the big guy took me 
aside from the rest of the group and said to me, "You know, 
something could *happen* to this DJ if you want."

I thought he was joking and I laughed it off and said, "No,
I don't think that'll be necessary," and we went back to
the other meditators and had a grand old time.

Later I mentioned it to my ladyfriend and she told me what
the fellow did for a living there in Las Vegas, and that he 
hadn't been joking. It turns out that if you grow up in
Vegas, you pretty much know all the "made" guys in town by

True story. Very weird. Don't know quite what to make of it 
to this day. The guy was jolly and outgoing, sorta like Tony
Soprano on TV when he's laughing and joking with his family.
Go figure. I mean, go fucking figure.


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