> > A former Fleet Street journalist, novelist and ex-WAAF 
> > officer, Joyce was old enough to be Webb's mother; at 
> > the very least, an unusual candidate for spiritual 
> > adviser to a brainy 26-year-old who found most of her 
> > pursuits pure hogwash.
> > 
geezerfreak wrote:
> All of which confirms to me that no amount of proof of 
> this activity would be sufficient for you Tex. 
Proof? What proof? Joyce Collin-Smith didn't cite any evidence,
neither did Tom Anderson or Steve Perino, and I'm quite sure that if
there was any proof they would have posted it by now on TM Free Blog,
would they not?

> You could be presented with photos and films of the 
> holy encounter and you would say they were doctored.
> In the case of personal accounts, like Ms. Collin-Smith, 
> the answer is to shoot the messenger.
Go ahead, just shoot me.
> And you wonder why some of these women (those who are 
> still tied to the TMO....
Still tied to the TMO?

> and there are one or two whose identity would curl 
> your hair) are afraid to speak up?
So, why aren't they on the list?
> It's because of people like you, who would knee jerk 
> call them crazy, possessed by Rakshasas, unstressing...
> whatever it took to keep your idol pure.
There's nothing like the cross. And to my knowledge, nobody has
cross-examined Mr. Varma, least of all you. In fact, these kinds of
accusations are libelous, unless they've been proven in a court of law. 
> Obviously this topic upsets you and a few others. Fine. 
> Don't worry about it. Keep your idol worship of MMY as 
> pure as you like. Whatever makes you feel good Tex.
There are no TMers on this list, so what's your point?

> > Read more:
> > 
> > http://www.forteantimes.com/articles/150_webb.shtml
> >

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