--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajranatha@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > I second that, moderating is needed by someone otherwise this
> > list is down the tubes. Really, that was likely their goal all
> > along. One of them even said she'd do this till she died. That
> > doesn't sound much different from an Islamic terrorist. The
> > list has been destroyed by insurgents, quite literally.
> Wait, wait, wait.  *TMers* are supposed to be the
> paranoid ones on this forum.
> Jeez, talk about feeling threatened.  It's understandable
> that folks who've enjoyed playing around in an echo
> chamber for some time would get their noses out of joint
> when some new voices come along that don't quite blend in
> and may even challenge the comfortable echoes.
> But to call them *terrorists*??
> And Vaj has now joined Barry in developing some kind
> of phobia about identifying me by name.
> He also, perhaps needless to say, grossly misrepresents
> something I said.
> And no, none of us came here with the intention of
> sending this forum down the tubes.
Looks like the tide has turned against those who as you say have 
enjoyed FFL as a free dumping ground on all things TM...perhaps they 
must now open their wallets to those over at TM Free Blog- a 
symbiotic match if I ever saw one.

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